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This baby tee shows off your well-toned arms and sexy shoulders.

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This babel was moved. If you want to edit this babel or browse the new edition, please go to Uncyclopedia (Traditional Chinese written form). 本条目已被移转,请移驾到伪基百科(正体中文)观看最新版本或是编辑此条目。
This baby bonnethead shark, born in a Nebraska zoo in 2001, was recently found to have been the product of virgin birth,the first time the phenomenon has been confirmed in a shark. 这条01年出生在内布拉斯加动物园窄头双髻鲨最近被发现是由孤雌生殖而来,这是孤雌生殖第一次出现在鲨鱼这个物种上。
This baby did not cry last night. 这个婴儿昨天夜里没有哭。
This baby didn't cry last night. 这个婴儿昨天夜里没有哭。
This baby tee shows off your well-toned arms and sexy shoulders. 这件紧身T恤展现出妳结实而线条良好的手臂和性感的肩膀。
This background helped UK equities to shrug off both the interest rate rise to 5.5% and the prospect of further rises to come. 这些因素帮助英国股市打消了利率调高至5.5%以及还会进一步加息的双重压力。
This backpack belongs to me. 这背包是我的。
This backsiphonage, if unchecked, could compromise the safe potable water supply to the home, resulting in sickness or death. 如果不加以防止,可能会汇入安全的饮用水中,并进入房间内,导致疾病或死亡。
This bacon is great. 肉做得太好了。
This bacterium is also from ancient times and was reactivated in the global warming of the rainforests that the gorilla's lived within. 这种细菌同样来自远古时代,因为全球变暖而在大猩猩存活的森林中被重新启动。

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