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Bring a plastic straw to a fancy restaurant. Make loud gurgling sounds when you get to the bottom as you attempt to drink every last molecule of diet Coke.

Bring 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 teaspoon of salt and ?cup of water to boil in a large, deep frypan. 将1小勺牛油,1小勺食盐和1/2杯水放到深锅里煮开。
Bring FIVE copies with you to class. 带五份的练习到课堂上来。
Bring Ms Copperfield some tea at once. And about midnight she came downstairs to the sitting-room while Miss Betsty was waiting impatiently. 给科波菲尔太太泡杯茶,快点!大半夜的走下楼,贝西小姐在客厅都等得不耐烦了。
Bring a blanket and my medical bag. 拿一条毯子和我的医疗箱来。
Bring a good map because you may want to travel around. 带个好地图,因为你们可能想要到处游览。
Bring a plastic straw to a fancy restaurant. Make loud gurgling sounds when you get to the bottom as you attempt to drink every last molecule of diet Coke. 带上一根塑料吸管,去一家有特色的餐馆吃饭。在你喝完杯中的最后一滴可乐之前,一定要发出咕噜咕噜的声音。
Bring a player into an empty stadium and he will score nine penalties out of ten. 带一名球员到空旷的球场他可以点球十罚九中。
Bring all the above ingredients to a boil in a stainless-steel pot and stir until dissolved. 将上面的配料放进不绣的容器内搅拌至完全融化.
Bring along your kids, your family, your friends. 请和小孩家人朋友一起来吧。
Bring down the tyrant. 打倒暴君。
Bring down your guard and reveal your feelings if you want someone to respond for the right reason and not for your looks or position. 警觉性不要太高了,显露自己的真情,才能不让对方因为你的反应和地位而后退。

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