In the preface to my book , I thanked all the people who had been of help to me.
在我的书的序文里面,我感谢了所有曾经帮助过我的人。 |
In the preparation of cell material for staining, the dissolving away of cell contents so that the distribution of tissues may be better observed, using reagents such as sodium hypochlorite.
2洗涤:在细胞等生物材料染色的过程中,把细胞的内容物溶去的过程。目的是更好的观察组织的分布情况,使用的试剂有次氯酸钠。 |
In the preparation of microscope slides, the process by which tissues are rapidly killed and preserved by chemicals to prevent decay or autolysis with minimal distortion of structure.
在制备显微镜切片的过程中,通过固定,在将对植物组织结构的破坏降至最低程度的基础上,采用化学物质将细胞迅速杀死并保存,以阻止组织腐烂或自溶。 |
In the preparation technology of making porous bioceramics with controllable macrostructure, The time of heat preservation was one of the important influence factors.
摘要保温时间是可控多孔生物陶瓷制备技术的重要影响因之一。 |
In the preschool enlightenment tuition, which plays an essential role in human development, folktales should be its important resource.
摘要对于对人的发展有根基意义的学前教育中的道德启蒙教育而言,民间故事应成为其重要的教育资源。 |
In the presence of elderly visitors our son was a model of decorum.
我们的儿子在来访的长辈面前彬彬有礼. |
In the presence of lubricants the effect of the guide material on friction is overshadowed by the lubricants.
当有润滑剂存在的情况下,导纱杆材料对摩擦的影响则为润滑剂所掩盖。 |
In the presence of non-use values, the extent of inefficiency caused by common exploitation in an oligopolistic market can substantially differ from what results from the model of a perfectly competitive market without non-use values.
因此,当非使用价值存在,寡占市场的共有资源开发之不效率程度将与在完全竞争市场下、不具有非使用价值的情况有所差异。 |
In the presence of six other uniformed generals, at his army headquarters in Rawalpindi, General Musharraf ordered Mr Chaudhry to resign.
在拉瓦尔品第的军事首脑会议上,穆沙拉夫在6位将军在场的情况下,命令首席法官乔杜里先生辞职。 |
In the presence of these chemicals or of temperatures above 43 degrees Celsius, the channel allows sodium and calcium ions to flood into the nociceptor, stimulating it to generate a signal that translates into the burning sensation induced by heat, inflam
在这些化学物质存在下,或是体温超过43℃,该离子通道就会让钠与钙离子涌入痛觉受器;由此生成的讯息,则由脑部判读成热、发炎或辛辣食物所引起的烧灼感。 |
In the present age, it often refers specifically to the ecological ruin humans wreak upon the environment.
在现在的时代,通常特指人类所进行对于生态的破坏行为。 |