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Police in Radnor, Pennsylvania, interrogated a suspect by placing a metal colander on his head and connecting it with wires to a photocopy machine.

Police in Hertfordshire, north of London, sent a simple message to defendants who have been failing to turn up in court: surrender now or spend the World Cup in a police cell with no television, according to the Evening Standard newspaper. 据《标准晚报》报道,在位于伦敦以北的的荷特福斯尔警方发布了一个消息,警告那些没有到庭的被告们:现在就来报到,不然就等着在没有电视的警局扣留所里度过世界杯赛季吧。
Police in Huntsville, Alabama are still considering whether to charge a teen driver in yesterday's deadly school bus accident. 昨天,阿拉巴马州的亨茨维尔一辆校车发生致命事故,目前警方仍在考虑是否对一名十几岁的驾驶员提出指控。
Police in India's Western state of Gujarat are to wear new uniforms impregnated with the fragrance of flowers and citrus to help improve their image. 印度西部地区的古吉拉特邦警察为了改变在民众心目中的形象,准备于近期开始穿着带有鲜花和柑橘香味的新式警服。
Police in Kansas City chased down a bad guy Monday. 坎萨斯城警察星期一逮到一个坏家伙。
Police in Lansing, Michigan say a paroled sex offender is suspected of killing five women there in a little more than a month and they say he could face charges in a sixth death from 2004. 密执根州兰辛市警方怀疑一名犯性侵犯罪的假释犯在一个多月的时间内杀害5名妇女,并称该罪犯将被判处从2004年以来的第6次死刑。
Police in Radnor, Pennsylvania, interrogated a suspect by placing a metal colander on his head and connecting it with wires to a photocopy machine. 宾夕法尼亚的警察审问一名嫌疑犯,将一只金属滤器放在他的头上,并用导线将其与复印机连接。
Police in Selmer, Tennessee say they know the motive in the killing but they haven't revealed it. 田纳西州埃尔默市警方称他们已经掌握其杀人动机,但还没有公布与众。
Police in Texas make the disturbing find teenagers forcing toddlers to smoke marijuana. The teens could face felony charges. The children are now in protective custody. 德克萨斯州警察发现令人揪心的问题,十几岁的青少年强迫才刚学会走路的孩子吸食大麻。这些少年可能面临重罪指控。现在孩子已被保护性监禁。
Police in Utah say the investigation into the death of Camille Cleverley turned up no signs of foul play. 犹他州警方称,对凯米尔克莱弗雷的死因调查结果显示这不是一起谋杀。
Police in resolving the personal dispute should not used police documents to obtain illegitimate profit,or should be regarded as an offense. 警察在解决私人纠纷的时候不应该使用警察证以便取得不正当利益,否则应将视为违法。
Police in the capital of Kyrgyzstan have used tear gas to break up a fight during an o osition demo tration calling for the president's resignation. 在反对派要求总统辞职的示威中,吉尔吉斯斯坦首都警察使用催泪瓦斯制止斗殴。

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