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The huntsman cannot help but moves back, surprised and useless.

The hunters rode over the cornfield. 猎手们骑着马从麦田里走过去。
The hunters wanted to take him alive to the king, so they tied him to a tree, and went away to look for a wagon. 猎人们想将活狮子献给国王,就把他捆在一棵大树上,然后去找马车。
The hunting dog scented a fox in the hole and opened up. 猎犬嗅出洞里有一只狐狸,便狂吠起来。
The hunting expert will not claim fishing expertise. 猎人专家不会说他有专门的捕鱼技术。
The huntsman and I hunt the animals out of the garden. 猎人和我把动物赶出花园。
The huntsman cannot help but moves back, surprised and useless. 猎人惊愕又无奈的退下.
The huntsman comes near Snow White. He raises his sword behind her. 猎人来到她身边.猎人在她身后举起了剑.
The huntsman is hunting for hares. 猎人正在追逐野兔。
The huntsman sent a beater ahead to scare out the partridge. 那位猎人派一名赶猎助手上前先把鹧鸪从隐蔽处赶出来。
The huntsman was whipping in his pack of hounds. 猎人正在用鞭把他那群猎犬赶在一起。
The hurdler pawsthe lead foot down to the track as he clears the hurdle, with the foot still dorsiflexed. 跨栏者过栏后脚掌抓地,此时仍然保持自然弯曲状态。

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