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From multi - education to educational innovation which embodies the unstop roform of China' s education.

From Welfare Statism to Welfare Pluralism: Cases of Nanjing and Lanzhou 从国家福利到多元福利——南京市和兰州市社会福利服务的案例研究
From a changing curve in human hair,fingernail and toenail cadmium by age,we found that the range of cadmium contents in hair was 0 00 0—0 0 0 μg·g - ,in fingernail 0 09 —0 μg·g - ,in tenenail 0 0899— 7 μg·g - ,respectively. 获得了镉含量的波动范围 :人发 0 0 0 0~ 0 0 0 μg·g-,指甲 0 0 9~ 0 μg·g-,趾甲 0 0 899~ 7μg·g-。
From a general purpose point of view of surface modelling and NC auto programming, the machining program designs of various trimmed surfaces are unified into those of a generalized surface with topological information loop. 从曲面造型及加工编程的通用性角度出发,将曲面的三维几何信息映射到二维参数域上,用二维拓扑信息环来描述裁剪曲面,把各种裁剪曲面的加工编程统一为一种具有拓扑信息环的广义曲面加工编程。
From family clashes to the inner heart of characters: On Mauriac's psychological novel Génitrix 从家庭矛盾走入人物内心——从《母亲大人》看弗朗索瓦·莫里亚克的心理小说
From flowering to middle milky stage,higher granum lamellae increase,and after middle milky stage,higher granum lamellae decrease. 还发现从扬花期至灌浆中期,高基粒片层数增加,灌浆中期之后,高基粒片层数减少。
From multi - education to educational innovation which embodies the unstop roform of China' s education. 从素质教育到教育创新,体现了中国教育改革的不断深入。
From one gramme of fresh endometrial tissue,the yields of primary culture of stromal cells and glandular epithelial cells were about (8~)×0 and (~8)×0 respectively. 每 g新鲜子宫内膜组织可得到 (8~ )× 0 个原代基质细胞及 (~ 8)× 0 个原代腺上皮细胞 ;
From several aspects above, this airtime scientifically and systematically analyzed the cultivation of college students' awareness of sustainable development; 第四部分论述了大学生可持续发展意识培养的对策与途径。
From the -leaf stage onward,the expressing quantity of Bt dropped sharply,being 7~0 ng per mg fresh leaf,accounting for 0.00 %~0.0% of the total soluble proteins of the plants. 但从第 叶期后Bt杀虫蛋白表达量显著地降低 ,只有 7ng/ mg~ 0ng/ mg鲜叶 ,占植物可溶性蛋白的 0 .0 0 %~ 0 .0 %。
From the beginning of the procedure to satisfactory exposure of the glottis was .±0. s and the time for intubation was 7.± . s. 从操作开始到满意暴露声门的时间为(.±0. )s; 气管插管时间(7.± .)s。
From the definition of fractional order derivative,the new idea that replacing the traditional Newton dashpot with Abel dashpot is proposed here. 从分数导数的定义出发,提出了在经典粘弹性模型理论中采用Abel粘壶取代传统牛顿粘壶的新观点。

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