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Over the shoulder: This pink satiny knapsack goes seamlessly from day into evening. Combined with a purple cut-out sweater, it's hip and practical.

Over the protests of many pastors, in 1662 a compromise emerged (later called the Half-Way Covenant): Allow children of believers to remain as members of the church and therefore under its care and discipline. 在一六六二年,不顾许多牧师的抗议,他们达成一种妥协(后来被称为「半路圣约」),允许教徒的子女保持教会成员的身份,也因此受教会的照顾与管教。
Over the rainbow from wizard if oz? 野仙?
Over the range of air temperature, the saturation vapor pressure fluctuates from less than 1/10 to over 100 millibars, or by a factor of 1000. 在气温变化范围内,饱和水汽压在小于1毫巴到超过100毫巴(即大于1000倍)间变动。
Over the same period, the euro-area economies saw no fiscal stimulus and household saving barely budged. 而同一时期,欧元区经济却看不到财政刺激,居民储蓄稳定。
Over the same period, the number of jobs shed by the manufacturing sector - about 400,000 - has exceeded the cuts registered in the recession 10 years ago, although the economic downturn was deeper then. 在同一时期,制造业裁员约40万人,高于10年前经济衰退时登记的裁员人数,但当时的经济更低迷。
Over the shoulder: This pink satiny knapsack goes seamlessly from day into evening. Combined with a purple cut-out sweater, it's hip and practical. 肩头挎包:图中面料光滑的粉色背包,可以平缓过渡白天到黑夜光线的不同。配上一件紫色裁剪得当的毛衣,时髦又实用。
Over the summer, Norman becomes closer to Billy Ray than he has ever been to his daughter, sparking Chelsea's long-repressed resentment when she returns. 整个夏天,诺曼渐渐对比利·雷产生了他对女儿都未曾有过的亲情,这点燃了度假归来的女儿(因得不到父爱)长久压抑的怨恨之情。
Over the two legs against Barcelona chances were wasted which at this level need to be put away. 两场对巴萨德比赛结束,一些机会被浪费了,而这在这种水平的比赛中是应该避免的。
Over the years I experienced a number of serious health issues. 过去几年,我经历了许多严重的健康问题。
Over the years he has gathered around him a coterie of powerful businessman. He only deals with billionaires, the others don't get a foot in the door. 多年来他身边聚集了一小搓有权势的商人。他只和亿万富翁打交道,其他人门没都没有。
Over the years his appearances became rarer and he last conducted in February 1999. He never granted interviews. 很多年以来他的指挥次数都比世界上诞生的大熊猫数量还要少。他的最后一次亮相是在1999年的2月份。他从来不接受媒体采访。

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