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But not wanting it to cool down, he put it under the quilt to keep it warm.

But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia! 但不仅如此,还让自由之声从乔治亚州的石峰上响起吧!
But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. 不仅如此,还要让自由之声从乔治亚州的石嶙响起来吧!
But not so – she gave the far more cogent reason that Japanese guys are just weird about women. 但并没这样-反而她提供了更使人有同感的理由,日本男人只是怪异于女人。
But not the flashing light, and the siren. 但不是闪光灯,和警报器。
But not to the female who had just left him, for she was too crippled now to bring down a full grown sheep. 但并非刚走的母狼所为,因为它瘸了,现在已经无法打倒一只成年的绵羊。
But not wanting it to cool down, he put it under the quilt to keep it warm. 可是因为怕爸爸那碗面凉掉,所以放进了棉被底下保温。
But not, I think, an insuperable one. 但我认为这并不是无法克服的困难。
But note that -0 is really the same as 0, so it does not count fromthe right! 不过需要注意的是-0还是0,它没有从右边计数!
But nothing could dispel the sense of helplessness that overwhelmed me whenever I contemplated the frowning mountains that lay ahead. 尽管如此,一想到还要走下去的崎呕山路,笼罩在心头的那种强烈的无助感便无法排遣。
But nothing from the outlandish present seemed real that night. 但是那晚,在那个奇异的现实中似乎没有一点是真实的。
But nothing happened - and so Blair ended up looking like a chump. 但什么都没发生,最后留下看上去傻呆呆的布莱尔。

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