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“Metal prices, like all commodities, they are cyclical, and I don't see any reason to change the long-term planning price because prices are higher,” he said.

“Media companies have always focused on the head the big hits and bestseller lists but digital music has shown there's a lot of power in the [back-catalogue] tail. “媒体公司总是最关注那些轰动一时的巨著和最畅销图书榜,但数字音乐行业已显示出库存目录的强大力量。
“Men,” he said one morning, “I have a nice, easy job for the laziest man on the farm. Will the laziest man step forward? “各位,”一天早上他说,“我为农场里最懒的人准备了一份既体面又轻松的工作,最懒的人请站出来,好吗?”
“Mengsijia” brand fashion set consisting of four pieces takes warm color as the theme, full of feelings of happiness and perfect satisfaction; in addition, its inner core is equipped with natural silk and silk stuffing, which makes the life more comfortab 梦丝家“四件套系列”以温馨的色彩为主题,让满室弥漫和洋溢着幸福、美满之感;加之内芯配以真丝绵胎,使生活更加舒适、更显华贵、富丽,为良侣带来健康、吉祥。
“Mere reason is insufficient to convince us of its [the Christian religion's] veracity” (David Hume). “仅仅是理性还不足以使我们信服它的真实性”(大卫·休漠)。
“Mesto is a full-back and an interesting player, but more defensive than Mauro Camoranesi. “梅斯托是一名很有特点的防守球员,比卡莫的防守能力更强。
“Metal prices, like all commodities, they are cyclical, and I don't see any reason to change the long-term planning price because prices are higher,” he said. 阿克森表示:“与其它大宗商品一样,金属价格也具有周期性。我不认为因为目前价格较高,就需要改变长期规划价格。”
“Might I call you by the first name?”“Yes, you may. “我可以直呼你的名字吗?”“当然可以。”
“Milan have always been the team I have supported and having grown up in their youth system could count in my favour when considering the future,” commented the Lazio full-back. “米兰曾是我支持的球队,而且我是从他们的青训系统成长起来的,当我考虑未来时都会计算在内,”这名拉齐奥后卫说明。
“Milan wanted me too, but Juventus were more decisive. 米兰也希望得到我,但是尤文更加有决心.
“Miracles are propitious accidents, the natural causes of which are too complicated to be readily understood” (George Santayana). “奇迹是有利的事件,是太复杂以致于难于理解的自然原因”(乔治·圣塔亚那)。
“Miss Owl is such an elegant lady. “猫头鹰太太是多么高贵的女士啊。”

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