The pen is mightier than the sword.
文能胜武。 |
The pen is new. It is Lily's.
这枝钢笔是新的,它是莉莉的。 |
The pen is such a common object.
笔是非常普通的用品。 |
The pen is used for free line and shape outline drawing. The pen colour also affects text colour.
钢笔工具用来画线和勾勒图形轮廓。钢笔颜色同时也影响文本颜色。 |
The pen slips out of my fingers.
钢笔从我指缝中滑下去了。 |
The pen, ruler, and book are all red.
钢笔、尺子和书都是红色的。 |
The penal laws of the occupied territory shall remain in force, with the exception that they may be repealed or suspended by the Occupying Power in cases where they constitute a threat to its security or an obstacle to the application of the present Conve
占领地之刑事法规应继续有效,但遇该项法规构成对占领国安全之威胁或对本公约实行之障碍时,占领国得予以废除或停止。 |
The penalties are well known: for instance, anyone who exceeds the stipulated speed limit (at most tracks, 80 km/h in practice, 100 km/h during qualifying and the race) is fined US$250 in practice and qualifying for every kilometre per hour over the limit
这些处罚大家都很熟悉,比如:任何超过规定速度限制的人(在大部分赛道上,练习赛限速为80公里/小时,排位赛和正赛中的限速为100公里/小时)都要被处以(练习赛和排位赛中)每超速1公里/小时罚款250美元的处罚。 |
The penalties come as some investors have been predicting a crackdown on illegal trading activities.
此际,一些投资者一直预计监管部门将出台打击违法交易活动的规定。 |
The penalties faced by unions should they take industrial action, have severely limited the opportunities to struggle in the interests of workers, whether they are union members or not.
这样的情况不但意味着会有很多工人得不到足够的保护,而且它还会对商业工会的财政,以及一些工会为其成员提供服务的能力造成影响。 |
The penalty clause was hidden in the small print.
惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。 |