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In the year 493, Uther Pendragon became King of Britain. He had a counselor named Merlin. Merlin was also amagician.

In the year 1492, Christopher Columbus began a voyage from Spain and discovered a new world. 1492年,克里斯托弗·哥伦布从西班牙开始航行并发现了新世界。
In the year 1787, Beethoven traveled to Vienna for the first time. 贝多芬于1787年首度造访维也纳。
In the year 2006, Shanghai implements THE POPULATION AND PLANNED PARENTHOOD STATUTE OF SHANGHAI CITY, the statute brings great stir at all circles of the society. 2006年上海市新颁布的《上海市人口与计划生育条例》,在社会各界引起极大的轰动。
In the year 3000, we will reach the beginning of a new millennium. 到3000年时,我们将会到达一个新千年的起点。
In the year 493, Uther Pendragon became King of Britain. He had a counselor named Merlin. Merlin was also a magician. 493年,尤瑟成为不列颠国王。他有个顾问叫做梅林,梅林也是一个巫师。
In the year 493, Uther Pendragon became King of Britain. He had a counselor named Merlin. Merlin was also amagician. 公元493年,尤瑟成为不列颠国王。他有个大臣叫梅林,梅林还是一个巫师。
In the year ahead, President Bush says, it is a vital U.S. interest to pursue military, political and economic progress in Iraq, because a free society there makes Americans safer at home. 布什总统说,在新的一年里,至关重要的美国利益在于努力争取伊拉克的军事、政治和经济进展,因为一个自由的伊拉克会为美国人带来安全。
In the year following her father's death Charlize won a modelling contest, 2)launching her on her travels. 父亲死后那年,莎莉赢得了一场模特大赛,并由此开始了她的旅程。
In the year of 1870, a sort of ball made of feather and wood as well as a bat woven with strings were invented. 如果留心你会发现现在的羽毛球场地和网球场地非常相似。
In the year of 1900 there emerged an awareness of Southeast China in Shanghai newspapers and periodicals' essays on the current political situation, which tended to present their arguments in the perspective of Shanghai, Southeast or South China, expressi 摘要庚子年(1900年)间,上海报刊时论凸显出一种从上海、东南和南方的视角立论的东南意识,表现出上海和东南绅商关心时局发展和国家命运的社会主体思想。
In the year of 2001, the zone created RMB 1.5 billion Yuan of industrial production value, RMB 50 million Yuan of taxes and 40 million of export value. 2001年,工业区实现工业总产值15亿元人民币,实现利税0.5亿元人民币,出口0.4亿美元。

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