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Income from other sourcesmentioned in Article 1, paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the Tax Law means profits (dividends), interest, rents, income from the transfer of property, income from the provision or transfer of patents, proprietary technology, income

In you they have uncovered their fathers' nakedness; in you they have humbled her who was unclean in her menstrual impurity. 结22:10在你中间有露继母下体羞辱父亲的.有玷辱月经不洁净之妇人的。
In your terms, from your present you plantimages, tales, legends, at any given time,that seem to come from the past, but are actually like ghost images from the future, for you to follow or disregard as you choose. “用你们的话来说,你们将看似来自过去的‘任何特定时间的’图像、故事、传说‘种植’于你们的现在,但是它们实际上就像来自未来的魅影,供你们选择,追随或忽视。
In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low. "1860年,一个名叫威廉。娄的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。"
Inasmuch as we serve the people, we are not afraid to have our shortcomings pointed out. 因为我们是为人民的,所以不怕别人指出我们的缺点。
Incidentally, your proposal has been put to the discussion at the meeting. 顺便提一句,你的建议已经提交会议进行讨论了。
Income from other sourcesmentioned in Article 1, paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the Tax Law means profits (dividends), interest, rents, income from the transfer of property, income from the provision or transfer of patents, proprietary technology, income 税法第一条第一款、第二款所说的其他所得,是指利润(股息)、利息、租金、转让财产收益、提供或者转让专利权、专有技术、商标权、著作权收益以及营业外收益等所得。
Increasing consumption by just one serving of fruit or vegetables per 1,000 calories per day was associated with a 6 percent reduction in head and neck cancer risk, said Neal Freedman, cancer prevention fellow at the NCI. 研究发现,与每天吃一份半蔬菜和水果相比,每天吃六份相当于1000卡热量的蔬菜和水果,可使头颈癌的发病率降低29%。
Indeed God speaks once, Or twice, yet no one notices it. 伯33:14神说、一次、两次、世人却不理会。
Indeed all Israel has transgressed Your law and turned aside, not obeying Your voice; so the curse has been poured out on us, along with the oath which is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, for we have sinned against Him. 但9:11以色列众人都犯了你的律法、偏行、不听从你的话、因此、在你仆人摩西律法上所写的咒诅、和誓言、都倾在我们身上、因我们得罪了神。
Indeed, Doctor,said Holmes blandly. Pray take a seat. “是的,医生,”福尔摩斯殷勤的说。“请坐。”
Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes. 费译:毫无疑问,历史不过是由罪恶和灾难构成的静止舞台造型罢了。

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