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In the hot-hip galvanizing technology experiment, the effects of galvanizing time on steel wire's mechanical properties was studied.

In the horse racing, the player the horse and his left arm. 在赛马时,那位选手摔下马来,摔断了左臂。
In the hospital we noticed the family planning clinic. 在医院里我们看到了计划生育指导室。
In the hospital, after we signed the papers, I watched her change into a faded cotton gown and two pairs of socks, as If the worst injury that day would be the chill of the operating room. 在医院,我们签完一些文件之后,我看着她换上一件褪了色的长袍和一双短袜,就好像那天最大的伤害将是手术室里的寒意似的。
In the hot hotel the devoted voter did not notice the noticeable notebook. 在炎热的旅馆里,热心的投票者没有注意到显而易见的笔记本。
In the hot kitchen quantities have been set at 100 persons (max). 在热食方面,规定的烹煮数量为最多一百人份。
In the hot-hip galvanizing technology experiment, the effects of galvanizing time on steel wire's mechanical properties was studied. 摘要研究了热镀锌工艺中试验钢丝浸锌时间工艺参数对其机械性能的影响,采取减少现有的热镀锌工艺浸锌时间参数的方法。
In the hotel,there are 210 bedrooms with different fashions,a Chinese restaruant, a West style restaurant, a coffee room,about 20 balconies,a multifunctional club with 15 karaoke balconies with different styles,a message center,a bowling hall with 12 sets 酒店拥有客房210间套,拥有中餐厅、西餐厅、咖啡厅及20余个风格各异的包厢;拥有酒吧、桑拿中心、保龄球馆、健身房、台球室、乒乓室、棋牌室、美容厅、音乐茶座、空中花园等娱乐设施,同时酒店还设有商务中心、商场、接见厅以及会议中心。
In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing; Ephraim's harlotry is there, Israel has defiled itself. 何6:10在以色列家、我见了可憎的事、在以法莲那里有淫行、以色列被玷污。
In the house of Israel I have seen a horrid thing: The harlotry of Ephraim is there; Israel has defiled itself. 10在以色列家,我见了可怕的事:以法莲在那里有淫行;以色列玷污了自己。
In the human being, tissue hypersensitivity which usually develops within five or six weeks after the first infection helps to explain certain inflammatory reactions. 在人类身上,组织过敏往往在首次感染后5—6周才反映(表现)出来,这一现象有助于解释某些炎症反应。
In the human world, the left-handed seem at quite a disadvantage. 在人的世界里,左撇子似乎处于相当不利的地位。

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