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So, treausure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special., special enough to sepnd your time with him, and remeber that time waits for no one.

So, to succeed in this work, you need the qualities that are essential in any worthwhile endeavor: desire amounting to enthusiasm, persistence to wear away mountains, and the self-assurance to believe you will succeed. 因此,要想成功,必须预备的条件就是:用你的欲望提升自己的热忱,用你的毅力磨平高山,同时还要相信自己一定会成功。
So, to sum up, we need to concentrate on staff training. 概括地说,我们需要集中精力进行职工培训。
So, to use a marvelous phrase common to this field, how does SES get “under the skin” and influence health? 因此,套用一句行话:社经地位是如何「深入肌髓」,而影响到健康的?
So, too, might psions develop the negate magic power, but it is not so potent against spells as negate psionics is against equivalent psionic powers. 同样地,心灵术士可能也开发了“消解魔法”异能,但也不如“消解灵能”对付等效异能那样有效。
So, too, were 1,610 factories now leaching poisons, pollutants and debris into the waters. 另外,有1,610多家工厂现在成为溶解于河流中的毒物、污染物和泥沙。
So, treausure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special., special enough to sepnd your time with him, and remeber that time waits for no one. 因此,要珍爱你所拥有的每刻,更要珍视那些与你分享时光的特别之人,谨记,岁月不待人。
So, uh... anyway, welcome to East High. Now that you've met Miss Darbus, I bet you just can't wait to sign up for that. 那么,嗯……不管怎么样,欢迎到东部高中来。你刚听达布思老师说了,我猜你迫不及待就想来报名参加音乐剧了吧?
So, under the new historic circumstances, only if we continue to follow the basic national policy of population control and population quality, and strengthen the scientific management of population, can we reach the harmony development between economy an 因此,在新的历史条件下,只有坚持与发展我国的控制人口数量、提高人口质量的基本国策,加强对人口的科学管理,才能实现经济与社会的协调发展。
So, until the seventh and final book proves otherwise, a small part of me will continue to hope (against the logical part that says he deserves to burn for eternity) that Snape is really loyal to the Overall Good, and not to Evil. 所以,直到第七本书也就是最后一本书来阐释其他的可能的话,我心中的某小部分还是愿意继续去希望(相对于按逻辑来说他将长时间地罪有应得)斯内普总的来说是个好人而且是真的忠诚,而不愿意去相信他是邪恶的!
So, using lasers / satellites and high-powered computers the agencies have now gained the ability to decipher human thoughts - and from a considerable distance (instantaneously). 因此,用激光/卫星和高能计算机,机构现在已得到破译人类想法能力-并且是从一个相当远的距离(瞬时)。
So, very have potentiality of development. 因此甚具发展的潜力。

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