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Many small banks failed during the recession.

Many situations of the nature are out of control. 在自然界中许多情况是人类无法控制的。
Many sizes and shapes of souvenier glasses all with imprinted Hawaiian designs or words. 许多尺寸和形状的纪念碑,并印刷有夏威夷图案或文字。
Many sketches are in existence of peasants seated by the roadside and men and women at work in the fields. 至今仍保存着许多速写,画的是坐在路旁的农民和在田里劳动的男男女女。
Many sleepers were fixed on a railway. 一条铁路上有许多固定了的枕木。
Many small and medium-sized cars are still being imported especially from Germany and Japan. 美国仍在进口许多中小型汽车,特别是从德国喝日本进口。
Many small banks failed during the recession. 许多小银行在经济衰退期倒闭了。
Many small businesses smashed up during the slump. 许多小企业在经济衰退时瓦解了。
Many small deep-sea creatures are transparent, or nearly so, to better camouflage themselves in their murky surroundings, scientists say. 许多小型深海生物都是透明或半透明的,这样能更好地在昏暗的环境下隐藏自己。
Many small forwards in professional basketball however are prolific scorers. 在职业篮球中,大多数的小前锋都是个多才多艺的得分手。
Many smart sales organizations have found success by differentiating their products, to sell things that the competition does not. 很多明智的销售实体已经通过让他们的产品形成自己的特色、销售竞争对手所没有的东西而获得了成功。
Many so-called reasons are merely excuses. 许多所谓的理由仅仅是借口。

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