In the morning, people get up, wash, and then get dressed.
早上,人们起床、洗漱,然后穿衣。 |
In the morning, she shook Hansel roughly and took him into a little room and shut him up behind the barred door.
早上,她粗鲁地把亨舍儿摇醒,带他到一间小房间里,把他关在上了闩的门背后。 |
In the morning, there was no small commotion among the soldiers as to what had become of Peter.
18到了天亮,兵丁扰乱得很,不知道彼得往哪里去了。 |
In the morning, we will pass the Rocky Mountain to arrive at Carlsbad Cavern.
早晨乘车横跨落基山脉,到达被称为世界最大、最深之一的加士柏大钟乳石洞。 |
In the morning,Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.Their father takes them to school every day.
早上,索耶先生去上班,孩子们去上学。父亲每天送孩子们去上学。 |
In the mornings he would hold them and play with them and help feed them.
每天早上,他都抱着他们,和他们一起玩耍,并且帮着喂他们。 |
In the most advanced 2-D chips, this layer of silicon dioxide insulation measures just three nanometers—about two dozen atoms—in thickness.
在最先进的二维晶片中,二氧化矽绝缘层仅3奈米厚,大约是24颗原子的宽度。 |
In the most extreme, this includes units that do no damage such as a Troop Crawler.
最极端的情况是,包括那些未曾受到丝毫损伤的部队单位,例如:一辆运兵车。 |
In the most severe cases, it can even mean the difference between life and death.
情况严重的话,一心二用甚至还可能导致丧命! |
In the motorized wheelchair, a boyish face dimly illuminated by a glowing computer screen attached to the left armrest, is Stephen William Hawking, 46, one of the world's greatest theoretical physicists.
46岁的斯蒂芬?威廉?霍金坐在机动轮椅里,他是世界上最伟大的理论物理学家之一。固定在轮椅左扶手上那一闪一闪的计算机屏幕微微地照亮了他孩子般的脸庞。 |
In the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it: and it shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing; in the shadow of the branches thereof shall they dwell.
结17:23在以色列高处的山栽上.他就生枝子、结果子、成为佳美的香柏树、各类飞鸟都必宿在其下、就是宿在枝子的荫下。 |