Archaeological finds around the world suggest that selective breeding was first carried out by man some 10,000 years ago.
世界范围的考古发现证明,人类开始有选择性的饲养犬类发生在距今大约10,000年前。 |
Archaeological records show that the Minoan culture spread its dominion throughout the nearby islands of the Aegean, very roughly from 3000 years BC to about 1400 years BC.
考古学的记录表明了克里特文明把它的主权延伸到爱琴海的周边岛屿,粗略地估计是大约在公元前3000年到公元前1400年。 |
Archaeologist Brian Fagan's The Long Summer (Basic, 2004) explicates how civilization is the gift of a temporary period of mild climate.
考古学家费根所著《漫长的夏天》仔细解释人类文明发展是拜一段长期的温和气候所赐。 |
Archaeologist Christina Schütte cleans the skull of a child which was found in the dwelling mound.
考古学家正在清理从该遗址发现的一只儿童头骨。 |
Archaeologist Matt Fletcher uncovers a hidden tomb containing the mummy of a giant that's been buried since the time of the great flood in the Bible.
远古希伯菜时期,堕落凡间的天使见上帝所造的人类的女子美貌,便与之交合,产下了邪恶狂乱的堕落巨人。 |
Archaeologists agree that cannabis was among the first crops purposely cultivated by human beings at least over 6,000 years ago.
考古学家同意大麻是人类最早培植的作物之一,可以上溯到六千年前。 |
Archaeologists also discovered a number of pottery pieces with the asterisk character inscribed on the inner wall.
考古学家也发现许多的陶器碎片,在内部墙上刻有星号符号。 |
Archaeologists and nuclear physicists are working together to measure the passage of muons, subatomic particles from deep space, through the 2,000-year-old Pyramid of the Sun to discover the mysteries of the pre-Aztec Teotihuacan civilisation.
目前,考古学家和核物理学家们正在利用宇宙射线探测器的介子束在太阳金字塔底深处进行勘测,希望能解开这座金字塔的秘密以了解扑朔迷离的狄奥提瓦康古城。 |
Archaeologists are combing the area to see if the infants' mother is nearby, as giving birth to twins in that era would have been extremely difficult and potentially fatal.
目前,考古学家正在发现婴儿骨架的附近地区寻找可能存在的他们母亲的遗骸。考古学家称,在那个时期产下双胞胎是十分的困难且致命的事情。 |
Archaeologists have not excavated the site in modern times, and there has been no radiocarbon dating, but Juval is the nearest place to the hollow where a number of the flowering plants and mosses associated with ?tzi now grow.
考古学家直到现代才到那儿发掘,遗址还没有碳14定年,但是,许多与奥兹有关的开花植物与藓类,现在都在居佛生长,在发现奥兹的地点周围,有这种特徵的就数居佛最近了。 |
Archaeologists have traced many Roman roads in Britain.
考古学家在英国发现了许多古罗马的道路. |