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With over 20 years of experience in line of wire/wireless alarm system, surveillance system and two-way speaking video and vision system, Shenzhen Security Group Co., Ltd.

With outstanding character, excellent design, advanced technology, before perfect carry out, after service, sincerity and broad new old client cooperate, believe to be in more abundant series product is dressed up below, your guesthouse, hotel will more b 以卓越的品质、优秀的设计,先进的技术,健全的售前、售后服务,真诚与广大新老客户合作,相信在愈丰系列产品装扮下,您的宾馆、酒店将会更加灿烂、辉煌!
With outstanding products and superior service, we would like to progress together with our peers in the machine processing industry and move forward together with Chinese and foreign merchants. 公司愿以精良的产品、优质的服务同机械加工行业同仁共勉;与中外客商同进。
With over 10 years of manufacturing experience, Yuh-Dak, an active market player, has developed and produced high-precision machines that are customized to market trends and easy to maintain. 故煜达所研发与制造出的机械,乃具备了高精度、易维修以及符合时代潮流等特性。
With over 100 years' history and headquartered in Paris, Euler Hermes is the world's largest credit insurance group with strong presence in France, the UK, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, the US, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong. 拥有百年历史的裕利安宜集团是一家总部位于法国巴黎的全球领先的信用保险公司,并在德国,英国,意大利,比利时,荷兰,瑞士,西班牙,美国,加拿大,巴西,澳大利亚,日本,新加坡,中国香港等四十多个国家和地区拥有众多分支机构。
With over 20 years experience in production of pulp and paper, ASIA PULP &PAPER CO.,LTD has developed streamline production of timber, pulp, paper and paper products and ranked among one of the wold's largest holding groups in pulp and paper industry. 亚洲浆纸业股份有限公司从事浆纸业制造已有二十余年历史,建成“林、浆、纸、纸制品深加工一条龙工业”,是世界上最大的浆纸业集团之一。
With over 20 years of experience in line of wire/wireless alarm system, surveillance system and two-way speaking video and vision system, Shenzhen Security Group Co., Ltd. 深圳安防集团股份有限公司(简称深安集团)是在中华人民共和国香港特别行政区注册的大型安防企业集团股份制外向型民营企业集团,产品90%出口。
With over 230 stores in 34 countries.IKEA is one of the biggest furniture and home furnishing retailer on the word. IKEA是世界上著名的家具和家庭装饰用品零售商,在34国家中有超过230家门店。
With over 237 stores in 34 countries. IKEA is one of the biggest furniture and home furnishing retailer in the word. 宜家是世界上最大的家具和家庭装饰用品零售商之一,在34国家中有超过240家门店。
With over 30,000 employees, the company achieved sales of around 3.6 billion euros in the fiscal year to September 30, 2004. 目前集团员工人数超过3万人,2003/4年财政年度的全球销售额约为36亿欧元。
With over 30000 m2 of total floorage and 22 storeys of the main building, this Hotel has 255 guestrooms (suites) equipped with complete facilities. 酒店总建筑面积30000余平方米,主楼高22层,酒店拥有255间(套)设备完善的客房。
With over 400 billion cups consumed every year, coffee is the world's most popular beverage. 咖啡是世界上最流行的饮料,每年消耗4000亿杯。

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