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The war of Spanish Independence started in 1808 with the invasion by French Napoleonic troops and lasted until 1814, when the French were defeated and expelled from the country.

The war is part and parcel of everything that we are trying to communicate to people of this country. 战争是我们要对这个国家的人们说明的一切事情的核心。
The war itself, like all wars, hugely distracted the people, who prayed for military victory instead of victory over sin in their own lives. 独立战争如同所有的战争一样,极大地转移了人们的注意力,使他们的祷告专注在军事上的胜利,而非战胜他们生活中的罪。
The war killed thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, along with hundreds of Israeli and Syrian soldiers. 那场战争导致成千上万的巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩人民丧命,成百上千的以色列和叙利亚战士牺牲。
The war lasted for eight years. 这场战争延续了八年。
The war may drag on.but victory will be ours. 战争可能要拖长,但胜利终属于我们。
The war of Spanish Independence started in 1808 with the invasion by French Napoleonic troops and lasted until 1814, when the French were defeated and expelled from the country. 西班牙独立战争始于1808年法国拿破仑大军入侵,之后持续至1814年法军被击败退并赶出这个国家为止。
The war of rebelling Japan broke out in this place. 这里是抗日战争暴发的地方。
The war officially ended in 945. 那场战争于1945年正式结束。
The war on terror goes on. 反恐之战仍在继续。
The war plunged the nation into complete chaos. 战争使这个国家陷入完全的混乱。
The war separated many families. 战争使许多家庭妻离子散。

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