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I am how deep of in the memorial Wu lao.

I am hopefully going to get well with my treatment and then come up to China to stay fro 3 montyhs or so, later this year or early next year. 到那时,我将前往中国,在那里待上3个月左右,也许得到今年末或明年初了。
I am hopeless at French. 我在法文方面是无药可救了。
I am hopeless at maths. 我在数学方面是无药可救了。
I am hoping to see you soon again. 我希望不久就见到你。
I am hot to learn a property:Meet heat to usually burst fragment, change into brown, the flames descends to show green. 热学性质:遇热通常会爆裂成碎片,变为褐色,火焰下显绿色。
I am how deep of in the memorial Wu lao. 呵,我是多么深切的在缅怀吴老。
I am hunting for a higher wages. 我正在找一个薪金高的工作。
I am ignorant about /of what has happened. 对所发生的事情我全然不知。
I am ignorant of John's behavior. 我对约翰的行为一无所知。
I am ill at ease. 我感到不安。
I am ill with misery. 我病得难受。

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