The move comes after three rescue workers were killed during a cave-in Thursday night.
这一决定是在三名救援人员于周四晚于井下不幸遇难后做出的。 |
The move comes almost a decade after Standard Chartered sold its private banking operations in Asia.
大约10年前,渣打银行出售了其在亚洲的私人银行业务;事隔10年,该行再次进入这一领域。 |
The move comes as Coke seeks to broaden the range of drinks it sells in the UK.
可口可乐此举正值该公司寻求拓展在英国销售的饮料系列。 |
The move comes as Japan scrambles for ways to persuade womentohave more babies. The dwindling birth rate has center the nationwitha shrinking population and the worlds highest proportionofelderly people.
这一行动的出现正值日本政府想尽各种办法鼓励妇女多生育孩子。逐渐下降的人口出生率使日本人口出现负增长,并使日本成为世界上老龄人口比例最高的国家。 |
The move could inject new price clarity into the diamond market, which has been one of the most secretive and opaque corners of the global commodities sector.
钻石市场一直是全球大宗商品领域最隐秘、最不透明的市场之一,此举可能为该市场注入新的价格透明度。 |
The move could revive investor interest in state companies after complaints that the government was making slow progress in restructuring.
马来西亚航空公司此举有可能使投资者重拾对国有企业的兴趣。此前,不少人抱怨政府在国有企业改组方面进展缓慢。 |
The move could start a stampede of competing bids in a long-predicted industry consolidation.
美国航空公司的并购计划如果得以实施,必将在美国航空界掀起新一轮兼并浪潮。 |
The move follows Australian marine industry and state police concerns with the growing level of vessel theft, rebirthing and related fraud, which a National Maritime Crime Forum estimated to be as high as A$15 million.
澳洲船舶工业和国家警察关心日益增多的船只失窃、借尸还魂和相关的诈骗而采取措施,国家航海犯罪论坛估计损失金额高达1,500万美元。 |
The move follows police concerns about the safety of customers buying the sought-after gadget in central London at midnight.
跟随人群的警方担心客户的安全,(他们)为买进孜孜以求玩意儿而深夜在伦敦市中心(排队). |
The move follows the carmaker's success with mainstream financial services products in other markets such as US and Australia.
此前,这家汽车制造商在美国和澳大利亚等其它市场中的主流金融服务产品方面获得了成功。 |
The move is a recognition by the chancellor of the City's importance to Britain's economic health.
此举表明,布朗已意识到金融城对英国经济健康发展的重要性。 |