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These seats are meant for elderly and handica ed perso &am women with child.

These schools offer a wide range of courses, including handicraft and vocational courses. 学校讲授的课程十分广泛,还包括有手工艺和职业技能课程。
These scientists are very respectable people indeed. 这些科学家确实是应该非常受人尊重的人们。
These scores were then combined to create a single numeric rank for the idea's mission contribution. 然后,这些分数合并起来形成该创意使命贡献的单个数字等级。
These scum who fight at the football matches must be severely dealt with! 必须对那些专在足球比赛时打架的社会渣滓严加惩处!
These searched for their family records, but they could not find them and so were excluded from the priesthood as unclean. 62这三家的人在族谱之中,寻查自己的谱系,却寻不着,因此算为不洁,不准供祭司的职任。
These seats are meant for elderly and handica ed perso &am women with child. 老人,残疾人及抱小孩的妇女专座。
These seats are meant for elderly and handicapped persons &women with child. 老人,残疾人及抱小孩的妇女专座。
These seats are reserved for special guests. 这些座位是留给贵宾的.
These second order questions of normative legal theory are a subclass of the more general class of second order questions of moral and ethical theory. 这些规范法理论的二阶问题是更为一般的的道德与伦理理论的二阶问题的的子类。
These secret agents occupy a twilight zone between legality and illegality. 这些秘密特工活动在合法与不合法之间的模模糊糊地区。
These sectoral interventions were already addressing issues of gender equality, in one way or another, and statistical data showed that there was a disparity in the status of boys and girls in terms of sex ratio, literacy levels, school enrolments and dro 尽管不同部门所采取的措施,已经以这样或那样的方式,着眼性别平等的问题,但是,统计数据依旧显示,在这几个省的项目县,即隆安,固原,彭阳和贵南,男童和女童在出生性别比,识字程度,在校人数,以及辍学比例方面依然存在差距。

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