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When containerization began in 1969, the company was re-named Orient Overseas Container Line.

When considering a pair for breeding, you should pay close attention to the first three generations in their pedigrees. 当你在选择一对猫来做繁育时,你应当密切留意它们族谱的前三代。
When considering floors, the majority of the heat loss occurs at their edges. Particular attention must therefore be paid to adequate and well-designed insulation details at floor edges. 对于地板而言,热量丧失的最主要的方面在于边缘部分。所以在我们的设计过程中要对于地板边缘的绝热做充分的考虑和精心地设计。
When considering the maximum multiplier effect of the whole economic area we should take a series of measures to improve the MPC of each branch area and the investment in-flow rate of the branch area with a higher MPC as well as the investment outflow rat 当投资对整体区域的总体乘数效果成为关注的目标时,应当采取措施提高各子区域的边际消费倾向、边际消费倾向相对较高的子区域的投资内流比、边际消费倾向相对较低的子区域的投资外流比、期初投资流入边际消费倾向相对较高子区域的比例,以获得投资对整体区域总体乘数效果的最佳化目标。
When constraints are in place, the economics of fertilization changes. 在存在限制因素的情况下,合理施肥的经济问题也发生了变化。
When constraints are present, as is often the case, the proper allocation of fertilizer and fertilizer expenditures requires an understanding of the concept of opportunity cost. 当存在限制因素,这是常有的事,肥料种类和购肥资金要在机会成本概念的指导下进行重新分配。
When containerization began in 1969, the company was re-named Orient Overseas Container Line. 一九六九年,集装箱运输业兴起,金山轮船易名东方海外货柜航运。
When converting a local file, the application may report the file as having an unsupported content type. 当转换一下本地文件时,可能会误报文件有不支持的内容类型。
When cooking a meal, have your child judge when the food is ready and have him compare the difference between cooked and uncooked vegetables to help with his observation ability. 百宝箱内容妈妈做饭时,让孩子练习判断菜什麽时候熟了,同时比较生菜和熟菜颜色的不同,以训练孩子的自然观察能力。
When cool enough to handle, cut breast meat (with skin) from bone, and slice thinly across the grain; pull bones from legs, and shred meat and skin. 待不烫手后,带皮切下鸡胸部肉,并切成细丁;取出鸡腿骨,把鸡腿肉切碎。
When coolant goes through ON / OFF devices, contact surfaces automatically closes to prevent leakage. Contact surfaces automatically detaches from each other upon exhaustion of coolant to avoid dry grinding. 当冷却剂穿越开/闭机构时,接触面自动闭合防止洩漏,冷却剂终止时接触面马上打开、避免乾磨擦。
When coolant stops flowing through, the contact surfaces have to be opened to prevent dry friction so that the system life cycle is elongated. 当冷却剂停止穿越时,这封闭面将马上打开避免摩擦,而这个功能保证寿命长。

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