Half an hour later the angry sea turned our boat over and we were all in the water .
半个时辰后,愤怒的大海掀翻了我们的小船,我们全都落到水里。 |
Half an hour of washing a car by hand translates into $4.50.
人工洗车半小时,相当于四块半美元。 |
Half asleep; drowsy.
半睡的;昏昏欲睡的 |
Half century ago,only about one third of the world population belongs to cities,but in the year 2005,it will comes to more than estimated one half.
半个世纪以前,城市居民只约占世界人口的三分之一,但到2005年,城市居民预计达到一半以上。 |
Half dead, all that's keeping him alive is his magical armor.
呈现半死的姿态,而保住他生命的就是他身上的矿石铠甲。 |
Half his work is still undone.
他有一半的工作未做完。 |
Half of China's 1.3 billion people live on 8.2% of its landmass (size of Texas).
中国十三亿人口中的一半近七亿人挤在国土面积8.2%,相当于只有德州大小的土地上。 |
Half of China's 20,000 petrochemical companies are located in the Yangtze River basin. Can Asia's longest river avert an ecological crisis?
中国2万多家石化企业中的一半分布在长江流域。亚洲最长河流长江能否改善面临的生态危机? |
Half of US mothers are not getting enough sleep and they believe getting more rest would make them better parents, according to a US study.
美国一项调查表明,美国有一半的妈妈睡眠不足,这些妈妈认为,如果她们睡眠充足,能做个更加称职的妈妈。 |
Half of all bosses say a lack of sleep makes them irritable and prone to shouting at their staff, a study says.
一项调查结果显示,英国有一半老板或上司认为睡眠不足使他们变得急躁易怒,容易对员工或下属发火。 |
Half of all burglaries are carried out on homes whose owners have failed to take the basic precaution of locking doors and windows.
一半的盗窃发生在主人未采取锁门关窗这样基本预防措施的人家。 |