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Article 26 The people's government at various levels shall formulate afforestation plans and, according to local conditions, determine their targets for the increase in the forest coverage of their respective regions.

Article 26 The State encourages peacetime use of civil air defense works for economic development and the daily lives of the people. 第二十六条国家鼓励平时利用人民防空工程为经济建设和人民生活服务。
Article 26 The competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council shall, together with the departments concerned under the State Council, draw up national emergency preplans for destructive earthquakes and submit them to the Stat 第二十六条国务院地震行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门制定国家破坏性地震应急预案,报国务院批准。
Article 26 The decision to appoint, dismiss or discontinue to appoint a certified accountants office shall be taken by the shareholders meeting and the decision shall be submitted to the China Securities Supervision and Management Committee for the record 第二十六条公司聘用、解聘或者不再续聘会计师事务所由股东大会作出决定,并报中国证券监督管理委员会备案。
Article 26 The holding of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall not contravene the regulations on public security administration and shall not involve criminal activities or the instigation of crimes. 第二十六条(1)举行集会、游行、示威,不得违反治安管理法规,不得进行犯罪活动或者煽动犯罪。
Article 26 The managerial personnel of technology market who neglect their duties, make embezzlement, accept bribery and engage in malpractice for personal gains shall be given administrative punishments by their work unit according to the seriousness of 第二十六条技术市场管理人员玩忽职守,贪污受贿,徇私舞弊的,根据情节轻重,由所在单位给予行政处分。
Article 26 The people's government at various levels shall formulate afforestation plans and, according to local conditions, determine their targets for the increase in the forest coverage of their respective regions. 第二十六条各级人民政府应当制定植树造林规划,因地制宜地确定本地区高森林覆盖率的奋斗目标。
Article 26 The rehabilitation of soil erosion on barren hills, waste valleys, barren hillocks and desolated beaches may be contracted to agricultural collective economic organizations, individual farmers or lease-holding household groups. 第二十六条荒山、荒沟、荒丘、荒滩可以由农业集体经济组织、农民个人或者联户承包水土流失的治理。
Article 26 The software copyright owner who has evidences to prove that another person is committing or will commit an act of infringing his right which can cause a damage to his legitimate rights and interests if that act is not prevented promptly, may a 第二十六条软件著作权人有证据证明他人正在实施或者即将实施侵犯其权利的行为,如不及时制止,将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,可以依照《中华人民共和国著作权法》第四十九条的规定,在提起诉讼前向人民法院申请采取责令停止有关行为和财产保全的措施。
Article 26 The state shall protect lawful adoption. 第二十六条国家保护合法的收养关系。
Article 26 The trustee must not take advantage of the trust property to seek profits for his own except getting remuneration according to the provisions of this Law. 第二十六条受托人除依照本法规定取得报酬外,不得利用信托财产为自己谋取利益。
Article 26 These Measures shall take effect as of October 1, 2003. 第二十六条本办法自2003年10月1日起施行。

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