I just want to meet somebody, fall madly in lov e, and run away with him.
我只想遇到一个人,疯狂地爱上他,然后同他一起私奔。 |
I just want to present you with a gift to mark the occa-sion.
(我送你礼物,只是为了纪念这个场合。) |
I just want to say thank you very much for all of you help during my time in Everton FC.
我希望能够在这里,对于我在埃弗顿期间你给予我的所有帮助表示感谢。 |
I just want to say, can you please do not set so many rules on the garden?
其实我只是想表达,是不是在社区中庭庭园里不要设定这麽多规则呢? |
I just want to survival.
我只是想生存. |
I just want to thank you for making this pen and can assure you that I will always be using it in the future and have recommended it to friends who have similiar problems with writing implements [including a few who are left handed.
我只想谢谢你做了这支笔并且向你保证将来一直使用它,并且推荐给那些也有类似书写问题的朋友的它实现[包括那些惯用左手的人]。 |
I just wanted to explain myself so I didn?t become known eternally as that nutcase you dated back in high school.
我只是想替自己解释一下,省得大家以为我永远还是那个和高中时的你约会的疯小子。 |
I just wanted to focus attention on the fact that an application is, at bottom, a selfish thread that grabs the CPU and tries to hold on until it exits and that the operating system scheduler acts like a playground monitor to make a bunch of selfish threa
我还向关注这样一个事实,实际上一个应用是:一个自私的线程攫取了CPU并且试图只要它存在就持续的(占用),而且操作系统时间表扮演一个运动场的监控器,它要让一串自私的线程共同良好的比赛。 |
I just wanted to give you guys an update on what I found. Center shot is important, but being underspined can negate that when shooting a BH.
至此,想给诸位说一个属于我的新发现.平衡中心固然重要,但当使用刀片箭头的时候,硬度偏低的箭杆就会在这重要性上打个大叉. |
I just wanted to let know that you have a fabulous site.
我只想让你们知道你们有一个令人难以置信的好网站。 |
I just wanted to pass on a note to let you know what a great job you have done with this forum.Thanks!
这是我们主要内容的一个低保真版本.如果您想要浏览有更多信息、格式化和图片,请点击这里. |