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In 1996, the Geminids meteor shower generated fairly intense storms against a dark moon-less sky, which excited most observers.

In 1996, Norway's government, planning for a day when its North Sea petroleum bounty would slow to a trickle, began plowing oil revenue into a mutual fund, which is now worth about $311 billion —or about $67,000 per Norwegian. 1996年,挪威政府为北海油田未来的资源枯竭做准备,开始将其收益注入共同基金,现在该基金价值3110亿美元,相当于每个挪威人67000美元。
In 1996, his portrayal of a car dealer who concocts a highly-flawed plan to have his wife kidnapped in order to get money from his father-in-law, in Fargo, won him an Oscar nomination for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. 1996年,他在《冰血暴》中饰演了一位为从岳父那里捞钱而策划了漏洞百出的计划来使其妻遭到绑架的汽车代理商,该角色使他获得了奥斯卡最佳男配角的提名。
In 1996, offertory from GDCCP and some Hong Kong friends of GDCCP, established two primary schools of Qianjin and Fengcun at Ruyuan, Shaoguan. 1996年,由我会拨款及香港朋友捐资,在韶关如愿瑶族自治县助建前进、凰村两所小学。
In 1996, she took on another challenge ─ the Sahara Desert . 一九九六年,她接受了另一个挑战--撒哈拉沙漠。
In 1996, she was cast as an ambitious college student on Rhea Perlman's ephemeral sitcom Pearl(1996). 1996年,她被蒙上作为大学生对苎麻普尔曼雄心勃勃的短命短剧明珠(1996年).
In 1996, the Geminids meteor shower generated fairly intense storms against a dark moon-less sky, which excited most observers. 1996年在没有月亮的暗空中出现了相当强烈的双子座流星雨,观察者因此而兴奋不已。
In 1996, we were certified as a Community Development Financial Institution, a program of the U.S. 在1996年,我们被认证资格作为社区发展金融机构。
In 1997 Mr Khatami won a very handsome democratic mandate for reform, but by winning the presidency he did not win a free hand to govern. 1997年,哈塔米先生赢得了一个非常了不起的民主统治委任状以对国家进行改革,但是赢得总统之位后他并没有得到足够的权力来管治国家。
In 1997 Shanghai LongYu Elevator Component Co., Limited was built up as an extension in Shanghai, focusing on our service for Schindler. 1997年在上海创办姐妹公司----上海龙钰电梯配件有限公司,主要为迅达公司配套。
In 1997 colleagues and former students honored him with a Festschrift (Martha Pollak, ed., The Education of the Architect: Historiography, Urbanism, and the Growth of Architectural Knowledge (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1997). 他1961至1962年获富布莱特奖学金赴慕尼黑,1962-1963任教于伦敦建筑协会,1970-1972年间是纽约建筑与城市研究协会的固定成员。
In 1997 the energy moved into the Amazon in Columbia. 1997年,能量移动进入亚马逊河之内,进入哥伦比亚。

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