Furthermore, the better the patients understand the illness, the less degree of sense of uncertainty the patients have. 3. |
中文意思: 一般术后身体症状困扰愈强,其疾病不确定感也愈高。 |
Furthermore, the FIA examined reports from the Italian police of call logs between Coughlan and Stepney.
此外,FIA还从意大利警方那里得到了考夫兰和斯蒂芬尼的通话记录。 |
Furthermore, the Planetary Fortress cannot be changed back into a normal Command Center with lift off capabilities.
此外,行星要塞不能变回能够飞行的普通基地。 |
Furthermore, the Red Cross Society of China has also provided humanitarian aids of 30,000USD to its Moroccan counterpart.
此外,中国红十字会总会也向摩洛哥红十字会提供了3万美元的人道主义援助。 |
Furthermore, the author points out that the capacity of Henan's sustainable development has been gradually strengthened in 1990s, but fluctuated to a certain degree during 1991~1993.
20世纪90年代河南省可持续发展能力总趋势是增强的,但1991年~1993年间呈下降态势。 |
Furthermore, the authors report, rates of unilateral spastic CP were similar in children with birth weights of less than 1000 g and those between 1000 and 1499 g.
此外,作者认为,出生体重不到1000克的婴儿和出生体重介于1000~1499克的婴儿患单侧痉挛性脑瘫的几率相当。 |
Furthermore, the better the patients understand the illness, the less degree of sense of uncertainty the patients have. 3.
一般术后身体症状困扰愈强,其疾病不确定感也愈高。 |
Furthermore, the birth rate has been put under control.
其次,国民经济正在迅速发展,而且出生率已经得到控制。 |
Furthermore, the brilliant local Zhuang ethnic-group culture and the picturesque landscape of Guilin appeal deeply to the tourists.
此外,灿烂的壮族文化和秀丽的桂林山水也令人神往。 |
Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for a top-fight staff, travel, and television commercials.
竞选运动的背景十分有利,可大做文章的喜讯不少:美国处于和平状态,国民经济——选举中一个主要因素——在经历一场衰退之后正在有力地回升。 |
Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for a top-flight staff, travel, and television commercials.
此次竞选运动的背景是喜人的,好消息层出不穷:国家太平祥和,经济转衰为强,而这也是有利于其当选的一关键利好因素。 |
Furthermore, the center has a wide and deeply relationship with the legislature, Supreme Court, Supreme Procuratorate, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Justice, National Bar Association of PRC and so on.
此外,该中心与中国立法机关及最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部、全国律师协会等部门有着广泛、深入的联系。 |