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Nokia Siemens Networks said on Wednesday it had started lay-off talks in Finland, aiming to cut around 700 jobs in 2007.

Noises may develop in a worn engine. 磨损的引擎里可能会发出各种噪声。
Noisy Chaos and R/S Analysis. 噪声混沌与R/S分析。
Noisy students have a distractive effect on those who want to study. 喧哗的学生封要读书的学生发生扰乱的作用。
Noisy, stupid talk; jabber. 喧闹愚蠢的谈话;唧唧喳喳
Nokia Siemens Networks ( NSN ), is a world leader in mobile network and fixed line infrastructure. 诺基亚西门子通信,全球较大移动网络公司和较大固话基础设施公司。
Nokia Siemens Networks said on Wednesday it had started lay-off talks in Finland, aiming to cut around 700 jobs in 2007. 诺基亚西门子网络公司周三称,其已开始在芬兰的裁员谈判,目标是2007年在芬兰削减约700个工作岗位。
Nokia assumes no responsibility for the payment of such fees. 诺基亚对该等费用不承担任何支付的责任。
Nokia best Motorola last year as the world's top mobile phone maker with a market capital of around US $ 100 billion. 去年,诺基亚摩托罗拉公司,成为世界上最大的移动电话制造商,拥有市场资本越1000万亿元。
Nokia built its brand at both ends of the market, with high-end multimedia handsets for upscale buyers and low-priced phones for emerging countries. 诺基亚在市场两个极端建立起品牌,一方面在高端销售多媒体手机,另一方面在刚起步的国家销售低价手机.
Nokia has identified that in very rare cases the batteries subject to the advisory could potentially experience overheating initiated by a short circuit while charging, causing the battery to dislodge. 诺基亚发现,在极少数情况下,该产品告知书中标示的电池在充电时有可能由于短路而产生过热现象,导致电池移位。
Nokia is a famous transnational corporation. 诺基亚是一家著名的跨国公司。

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