In 2006, the digital group system of China Satcom also provided coordination communication guarantee for the APEC conference in Shanghai, Weifang International Kite Festival, Qingdao International Sailing Competition and other major activities, which has |
中文意思: 2006年,中国卫通的数字集群系统为上海APEC会议、潍坊国际风筝节、青岛国际帆船赛等重大国内国际活动成功提供了调度通信保障,得到了组织单位的充分肯定。 |
In 2006, he was honored as Chinese economic figure by CCTV.
2006年他当选CCTV中国年度经济人物。 |
In 2006, it accomplished a sales volume of 305,200, and had a share of 7.2% of the Chinese car market, ranking 4th in the Chinese passenger car industry, thus showing its great strength in marching into the first camp of the Chinese car industry having be
2006年销售30.52万辆,全国市场占有率达7.2%,位居全国乘用车行业第四名,强势挺进以往被合资品牌所垄断的中国汽车行业第一阵营,在自主品牌汽车企业中遥遥领先。 |
In 2006, the Chinese telecommunication industry entered the new era of telecommunication.
在2006年,我国通信业迈入了新通信时代。 |
In 2006, the Group ranked 209th among China's Top 500 Enterprises, 2nd among real estate enterprises in China, and 16th among Top 100 Enterprises in Shanghai.
在2006中国企业500强排名中位列第209位,在中国房地产企业排名中位居第2位,在上海市百强企业集团中排名第16位。 |
In 2006, the HKIA is steering into her 50th Anniversary.
在二零零六年,香港建筑师学会已正式踏入五十周年! |
In 2006, the digital group system of China Satcom also provided coordination communication guarantee for the APEC conference in Shanghai, Weifang International Kite Festival, Qingdao International Sailing Competition and other major activities, which has
2006年,中国卫通的数字集群系统为上海APEC会议、潍坊国际风筝节、青岛国际帆船赛等重大国内国际活动成功提供了调度通信保障,得到了组织单位的充分肯定。 |
In 2006, the number of Crystal's staff has reached 1,500 in total.
分公司遍布上海、南京、杭州、深圳、香港、新加坡、天津、大连等城市。 |
In 2006, the researchers report, more than 35,000 people will develop such lesio , called renal cortical tumors.
研究人员报告说,在2006年超过35000人将会罹患这种叫做肾表层肿瘤的疾病。 |
In 2006, the researchers report, more than 35,000 people will develop such lesions, called renal cortical tumors.
研究人员报告说,在2006年超过35000人将会罹患这种叫做肾表层肿瘤的疾病。 |
In 2006, was wasthe Decision-making Management Consultant of http://www.powerhr.com.cn/ and Guangdong Human Resources Management Association.
2006年担任中国人才素质测评网、广东省人力资源管理学会决策管理顾问。 |
In 2006, “Lily Faerie” won first prize in American International Children's Dance Competition.
2006年赴美国参加国际少儿舞蹈大赛,舞蹈《荷花仙子》荣获一等奖. |