GIs couldn't walk and were road-bound, depending completely on automobiles; if no vehicles were available, they'd hire Korean porters to carry their bedrolls and food. |
中文意思: 美国陆军(GI是美国陆兵在二次世界大战时的别称)连路都不愿走,行军受限,完全靠汽车代步;如果没有交通工具可用,他们就雇朝鲜的搬运工负责他们的铺盖跟吃的。 |
GIRLS: No, we are not. We are Danish?
女孩们:不,我们不是瑞典人。我们是丹麦人。 |
GIRLS: Our cases are brown.
我们的箱子是棕色的. |
GIRLS: Thank you very much.
姑娘们:非常感谢。 |
GIS said their research had shown that Britons were moving away from what it described as faddy dietslike Atkins and going back to basics.
GIS说他们的研究表明,英国人正在远离诸如阿特金斯减肥法那样所谓的“流行饮食”,而向一日三餐的本质回归。 |
GIVEN THE DIFFERENCES in the regions of the body surface represented in the cerebellum of various types of animals, the question became: How is the mouth of a rat like the forepaws of a cat or the fingers of a monkey?
一旦我们知道,不同动物的小脑所代表的体表区域有所不同,那麽接下来的问题是:大鼠的嘴,与猫的前脚掌或猴子的手指有何相似之处? |
GIs couldn't walk and were road-bound, depending completely on automobiles; if no vehicles were available, they'd hire Korean porters to carry their bedrolls and food.
美国陆军(GI是美国陆兵在二次世界大战时的别称)连路都不愿走,行军受限,完全靠汽车代步;如果没有交通工具可用,他们就雇朝鲜的搬运工负责他们的铺盖跟吃的。 |
GKPLAN KNAUER offers you more Offers on Food supply management, Supply engineering.
GKPLAN KNAUER是一家现代化、值得信赖的产品供应商,该供应商从事膳食管理,供电技术的制造和销售。 |
GKS Objekt GmbH &Co. KG informs you about Driving drives as well as about Agricultural engineering.
KG是一家可靠的、知名的生产商和服务商,该公司提供很多令人震惊的产品,例如移动装置、传动装置,农用技术。 |
GL21R is widely used in fields of biology, medicine, pharmacy, genetics, food sanitation, epidemic prevention, environmental science, colleges and etc.
该机广泛适用于生物、医学、制药、遗传学、食品卫生、防疫检验、环境科学、大专院校等领域。 |
GL?SNER Sandstrahltechnik GmbH &Co. KG informs you about Sand jet as well as about blasting plant.
KG是一家令客户满意的工业型企业,该企业生产杰出的喷砂设备,喷丸装置。 |
GLA s success is the innovations in the structure of authority, which is an illumination for us.
其成功之处就在于大伦敦市政府的组织结构有许多独到之处,值得学习和借鉴。 |