The Maestro fought a long, tough battle against the pancreatic cancer which eventually took his life.
声明中说:“大师与病魔进行了长期、艰苦的斗争,但最终被病魔夺去了生命。 |
The Martin Iraq Ascendedpublishes in 1909, the first half had Discusses himself, selected material myself before the experience and afterwards becomes famous the process in the Jake London, the main plot then was fictionalizes.
《马丁·伊登》发表于1909年,前半部带有自传性,取材于杰克·伦敦本人早年的经历和后来的成名过程,主要故事情节则是虚构的。 |
The Matrix Revolutions is not a bad movie. It's just a maddening one.
黑客帝国:革命>不是一部差电影.它只是令人气恼. |
The Mayor's tax proposal was bad enough on its face, but the coming state-mandated increase adds up to a one-two punch that would stagger city homeowners, Mr. Vallone, a Queens Democrat, said in a City Hall news conference.
皇后区民主党[市议员]瓦隆在记者会上说,市长的税收提案一看就觉得糟蹋透,可是州政府所规定的增税等于给纽约市房主难以招架的致命一击。 |
The NASDAQ: ..., a close above this point suggests a test of overhead resistance at 2,100. I do not expect the index to take off this resistance on the first attack...
那指设法收盘在反转点之上,依照早先预警﹐收盘在这点之上表明会在顶部2,100测试阻力,我不认为那指会在第一轮攻击中突破。我预计那指仍可能在2,050~2,100这一水平盘整一段时间先巩固好再说... |
The NME Awards are more natural. You get in there, get pissed, go off and get more pissed.
NME更自然一些。那些人去了现场,喝得酩酊大醉,离开那儿,然后变得更糟糕。 |
The Non-stick Fry Pan is so easy to clean after cooking. Another plus is the glass lid, which preserves food moisture and nutrients and makes your cooking even more delicious.
「钛洁镬容易清洗,只要用完后稍待冷却,再用洗洁精轻轻抹洗便可去除所有油渍。透明的玻璃镬盖可保存食物水分和营养,保持?硉瑼沪鴠蕴鴩?。我最爱用钛洁镬烹调煎虾碌和煎肠粉。」 |
The Olympiacos tie will be full of pitfalls, but we're going there to aim for a win,he said.
“对阵奥林匹亚科斯的比赛暗藏杀机,但是我们去那里就是为了取胜。”罗西对于3分志在必得。 |
The Origins of Political Science and the Problem of Socrates: Six Public Lectures(1996), in Interpretation 23 (1996).
载于《苏格拉底问题》,刘小枫、陈少明编,北京:华夏出版社,2005,页2-85。 |
The PIE Network: Promoting Science Inquiry and Engineering through Playful Invention and Exploration with New Digital Technologies.Proposal to the National Science Foundation, 2000.
PIE网络:通过有趣的发明和发现用数码技术促进科学调查和工程学〉,由国家科学基金会提出,2000年。 |
The Palestinian security systems have no superiority, in terms of armament over Hamas,said Mr. Nasser.
纳塞尔说:“巴勒斯坦安全系统在武器装备上并不比哈马斯优越。” |