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Windows XP Opens the Keyboard properties control panel applet.

Windows Media? is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. 是微软公司在美国及/或其他国家的商标或注册商标。
Windows NT can be used in real time systems. 窗口新台币能在真正的时间系统中被用。
Windows NT/2000: The SetSystemTime function enables the SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME privilege before changing the system time. This privilege is disabled by default. For more information about security privileges, see Privileges. 就是说默认情况下你没有修改系统时间的权限,先把权限拿到手再说。我估计这样。
Windows XP Launches the System Properties control panel applet to the General tab. 弹出控制面板系统属性常规选项卡。
Windows XP Multilingual User Interface Pack can only be installed on English Windows xp. 我现在用的是中文版的XP,就是不好安装这个用户界面包是这个意思吗?
Windows XP Opens the Keyboard properties control panel applet. 打开控制面板-键盘属性。
Windows XP This will create a new mail message to the address specified in %1 in the computers default email program. 它将建立一个新的邮件信息,收件人就是在计算机中指定的邮件地址,只要改变参数%1就可以了。
Windows are among the most vulnerable features of historic buildings undergoing rehabilitation. 窗是在经历恢复的有历史意义的大楼的最脆弱的特征中的一种。
Windows are made of glass. 窗子是玻璃制的。
Windows controls frequently send notification messages to their parent windows. 窗口不断地频繁地发送通知消息给其父窗口。
Windows in a prison, bank, or ticket office usually have gratings over them. 监狱、银行或售票处的窗户通常都有铁栏杆在上面。

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