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Being the apotheosis of American contemporary ecological prose, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek mainly embodies the following ecological ideas: appealing to man's return to nature and the reconstruction of harmony between nature and man;

Behavior of Occupying Nest of Riparia riparia 崖沙燕繁殖期雄鸟的占巢行为
Behavior of sterane and terpane molecular components in PVT fractionation experiment PVT分馏实验中甾、萜烷分子的行为
Behavioral data on fighting,smoking,drinking,addicting to web,swimming in unsafe water area,reading erotica books observed significantly statistical differences(P<0.0) between male and female. 在打架、吸烟、饮酒、网络成瘾、到非安全场所游泳、观看色情书籍及制品等指标中,男女性别间差异有统计学意义(均P<0.0)。
Beijing golfers enjoy new service 绿卡在手 球场任你游——北京出现全新的高尔夫消费模式
Being fixed with 80% alcohol,palpal organ,Maxilla and legs in spidors are washed with phosphate buffer solution redistilled Water. Having boon dehydrated in alcohol,they are replaced with iso—amyla- cotate dried around the critical points. 作者将经80%酒精固定的蜘蜘触肢、颚叶和步足经磷酸缓冲液及双蒸水多次冲洗,各级酒精脱水后,再经过醋酸异戊酯置换酒精,最后进行临界点干燥及喷金即可观察。
Being the apotheosis of American contemporary ecological prose, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek mainly embodies the following ecological ideas: appealing to man's return to nature and the reconstruction of harmony between nature and man; 《汀克溪的朝圣者》是美国当代生态散文的典范,它蕴涵的生态思想主要有:回归自然,重新与大自然和谐相处;
Being un-utilitarian and nastic, aesthetic attitude opposes to the utilitarian (volitive) and scientific (rational) of working attitude. 审美态度与工作态度的功利性(意志)、科学性(理性)相对立,审美态度是非功利的,感性的。
Benzo[b]naphtho[′, ′∶,][,]dithiino[, -i]thianthrene-,7,9,,,8-hexone was synthesized from ,-naphthaquinone and the structure was confirmed by H NMR and IR. 以,-萘醌为原料,合成了含硫的醌构稠杂环化合物苯并[b]萘并[′, ′∶,][,]二噻英并[, -i]噻蒽-,7,9,,,8-六酮 ,其结构经HNMR和IR确证。
Benzyl chloride and iso-butylaldehyde were transformed into muguet alc ohol through phase-transfer reaction and catalytic hydrogenation. 从氯化苄和异丁醛经相转移反应及催化加氢的方法得铃兰醇。
Bermuda Devil Delta Region is Possibly Containing the Rich Natural Gas Hydrate 百慕大魔鬼三角区可能蕴含着丰富的天然气水合物
Besides language translation,the officer participate in(etiquette) affairs that guide guests and receives the envoy too; 除了语言翻译以外,译官也参与导引宾客和接待使节的礼仪事务;

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