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The study was to examine the incidence of complications resulting from temporal bone fractures and to analyze the outcomes of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) otorrhea and facial paralysis.

The study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine along with an editorial by Turek and Northwestern colleague Joseph Bass commenting on it and related research. 该研究结果发表在美国《内科学文献》期刊上,塔瑞克和西北大学的同行约瑟夫·贝斯共同对上述研究结果及其相关研究发表了评论。
The study was published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health. 该研究在《流行病学与公共卫生》杂志上发表。
The study was published in this week's issue of the journal Neurology and funded with grants from the National Institute on Aging. 这项研究发表在本周出版的《神经学》杂志上,得到了由全国老年研究学会的出资支持。
The study was published in this week\'s issue of the journal Neurology and funded with grants from the National Institute on Aging. 这项研究发表在本周出版的《神经学》杂志上,得到了全国老年学会的出资支持。
The study was supported in part by the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 这个研究部分由国家神经障碍和中风协会赞助。
The study was to examine the incidence of complications resulting from temporal bone fractures and to analyze the outcomes of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) otorrhea and facial paralysis. 方法:收集1993年1月至1996年12月四年间,因头外伤至成大医院急诊,经诊断为颞骨骨折者,共220人(236耳)。
The study will be beneficial to employing the knowledge, experience and skill from a geologist, intensifying restriction in geology so as to better fit the practical conditions of domestic reservoir characterization for mature oilfield development. 这一思路有利于发挥地质家的经验、知识和技能,其结果将更好地发挥地质的约束作用,同时也更适合我国油藏描述的基础和实际。
The study will begin with giving a picture on the development of the heirs duty of tax payment, specifically, on the evolution in Article 14 of the Tax Collection Act provide and Article 1148 of CIVIL CODE PART V SUCCESSION. 摘要缘于纳税义务人死亡事实,而造成其他人负担税捐缴纳义务之情形,我国税捐稽徵法第十四条定有明文规定,按该规定可知,其第一项应属赋予遗嘱执行人、继承人、受遗赠人以及遗产管理人等「承担义务人」之法律地位;且于规範主体违反承担义务时,其赔缴义务始由然产生。
The study will enable you to access to the Internet via a touch screen to pull up weather, traffic and recipes. (这项研究会使你通过触摸屏上网获取诸如天气、交通和食谱秘方等方面的信息。)
The study would be beneficial to designers coordinating the relationship between the fabrics and construction and have instructive function to fashion design. 有助于服装设计人员协调好面料与服装结构的关系,对服装设计实践具有指导作用。
The study yielded 48 different genetic variations, or polymorphisms, on 35 different genes that encode proteins involved in blood pressure regulation. 此研究在35种编码血压调节作用蛋白的基因中发现了48种基因变异,或叫做多态性。

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