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This box has five kilograms.

This boulevard has witnessed many glorious historic events of France, including General de Gaulle's victorious return (to Paris) in 1944 and the 200th anniversary of France's independence in 1989. 这条街道见证了法国许多光荣历史,从1944年戴高乐将军凯旋归来,一直到1989年法国独立200周年纪念活动。
This boundary is like the outer circumference of the Escher print or the surface of the solid cylinder I considered earlier. 这个边界就类似艾雪版画的外缘或者前面提过的圆柱体的表面。
This boundary is where the hologram of the holographic theory lies. 这个边界就是全像理论中全像图所在的位置。
This bowel was caught in a hernia and the mesenteric blood supply was constricted by the small opening to the hernia sac. 但这段肠发生了肠疝,由于疝环很小,因此肠系膜动脉供血明显减少。
This box can serve as a chair. 这箱子可用来当作椅子。
This box has five kilograms. 这个盒子重五公斤。
This box is a little heavier than that one. 这个箱子比那个箱子稍微重一点儿。
This box is bigger than that one. 这个盒子比那个盒子大。
This box is crammed with Christmas gifts. 这个盒子里塞满了圣诞礼物。
This box is made of walnut. 这个箱子是胡桃木做的。
This box is much too heavy. 这只箱子实在太重了。

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