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Her marriage is sacred to her.

Her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed, a mixture of pride and impertinence; she had no conversation, no style, no taste, no beauty. 此女举止极不得体,傲慢无礼且不善辞令,既不风雅也无品位,谈不上美丽。
Her manuscript is unavailable. [美]她的稿件不拟采用。
Her many talents were the envy of all her friends. 她多才多艺, 所有的朋友都很羡慕她.
Her many talents were the envy of all her friends. 她多才多艺,所有的朋友都很羡慕她.
Her marriage got stuck in a catch 22. 她的婚姻处于左右为难的局面。
Her marriage is sacred to her. 她认为自己的婚姻至高无上.
Her marvellous acting talent is preserved on celluloid. 她非凡的表演才能在电影胶片里被保存下来了。
Her mastery of economic theory impressed the professors. 她对经济的精通给教授们留下了深刻的印象
Her matchless beauty is beyond description. 她那旷世无双的美貌无法形容。
Her mates waited for her by the gate. 她的同伴在大门等她。
Her meager income just offsets family outgoings, she remains hand-to-mouth. 她的微薄薪金仅够抵消家庭开支,故此她只能现挣现吃。

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