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Install chemical tanks as required, and ensure each dose pump discharge tubing is connected to the manifold injection points provided.

Insects do not deserve to be eaten alive especially for a gratuitous marketing gimmick,PETA spokeswoman Jackie Vergerio said. 人道对待动物协会发言人杰姬·芙吉利奥说:“昆虫何罪之有竟落得被活吞?特别仅仅是为了毫无理由的商业花招?”
Insignia of the Alliance/Hordeand Medallion of the Alliance/Hordenow remove Fear, Stunand Polymorpheffects and no longer remove Charmeffects. 联盟/部落徽章现在将可以移除“恐惧”“昏迷”和“变形”,不带可以移除“魅惑”。
Insofar as I can see, the representatives are all satisfied with the arrangement. "据我了解,代表们对这一安排都感到满意。"
Insofar as I can see, the representatives are all satisfied with the arrangement. 据我了解,代表们对这一安排都感到满意。
Inspectionmeans that the Frontier Health and Quarantine Organ (hereinafter referred to as the Health and Quarantine Organ) carries out medical inspection and sanitary inspection. “查验”指国境卫生检疫机关(以下称卫生检疫机关)实施的医学检查和卫生检查。
Install chemical tanks as required, and ensure each dose pump discharge tubing is connected to the manifold injection points provided. 按要求安装化学箱槽时,确保每根加药泵的排放管线与相对应的注入点相连接。
Instant communication systems encourage people to form hasty opinions and give quick replies rather than take the time to develop thoughtful, well-reasoned points of view. 即时通讯系统促使人们匆忙的作出判断并很快的给出回答,而不是花时间去形成深思熟虑和理由充分的观点。
Instead he will be watching on television at my home in Liverpool, and I want to bring the Cup back for him so he can celebrate with us all. “取而代之的是他将坐在电视机前在我利物浦的家里观看比赛,我想要把奖杯为他带回来,这样他可以和我们一起庆祝。”
Instead of being moved by Christ's suffering, or awed by his sacrifice, I felt abused by a filmmaker intent on punishing an audience, for who knows what sins. 不知道是什么过错,我感到被意图惩罚观众的电影摄制者在虐待,而不是被基督耶稣的受难所感动,或者为耶稣的牺牲而敬畏。
Instead, Jen was clinging to Courteney. She said how hard it was. “但珍妮弗却一直粘着考特尼。她说,这真是太难为她了。”
Instead,they will ride in self-service taxicabs stationed underground at different points along a city's main thorough-fares. 相反/不同的是,他们会乘坐沿着城市主干道设置的不同的地下停靠点的自助服务出租车.

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