However, in the process of comparable text reading teaching, proper guidance and regulation must be provided to the students so that their attention will be directed towards the improvement of explorative thinking, divergent thinking, selective thinking a |
中文意思: 参读教学中必须有效地做好对学生思维的指导和调控,抓住学生探索性思维能力、发散性思维能力、选择性思维能力、收敛性思维能力的培养。 |
However, in the light of the dotcom bubble, it seems inherently unsatisfying to argue that markets are always fairly valued.
然而,考虑到互联网泡沫,市场合理定价的观念似乎已难以令人信服。 |
However, in the natural world the electron normally remains in a stable orbit around a nucleus -- seemingly defying classical electromagnetism.
然而在自然界电子正常地留在围绕核的稳定轨道上-表面上不服从经典电磁学。 |
However, in the new study of more than 1,000 young men entering the army in France, it appeared that those who suffered hearing loss not only used personal stereos but also had a history of repeated episodes of middle ear infection, or otitis media, in in
然而,对法国军队中1000名新兵的一项新的研究表明,听力丧失不仅是因为使用了耳机,而且是因为在婴儿和童年时代,曾有过反复性的中耳部感染,即患过中耳炎. |
However, in the past 50 years, earth-shaking changes have taken place on this ancient Chinese land. It has taken on a completely new look.
然而,在这50年中,中国这个古老的国度发生了翻天覆地的变化,面貌焕然一新。 |
However, in the past five years, some Greek shipowners have invested in second-hand container tonnage and sold some of these ships to invest in newbuilding programmes.
但在过去的五年中,不少希腊船东投资了二手集装箱船,现在他们卖掉其中的一部分,将所得资金用于新船的建造。 |
However, in the process of comparable text reading teaching, proper guidance and regulation must be provided to the students so that their attention will be directed towards the improvement of explorative thinking, divergent thinking, selective thinking a
参读教学中必须有效地做好对学生思维的指导和调控,抓住学生探索性思维能力、发散性思维能力、选择性思维能力、收敛性思维能力的培养。 |
However, in the process of developing E-commerce, a series of moral problems emerge.
然而,在电子商务的发展过程中,又出现了一系列引人注目的道德问题。 |
However, in the process of pursuing artistic innovations, things like innovation for the sake of making innovation, separation from tradition, blind adherence to Western ideas and sided pursuit of forms should be carefully handled, for they may bring abou
但在追求艺术创新的过程中,所出现的单纯求新、割裂传统、盲目西化和片面追求形式等倾向将把艺术创新引入误区,应该加以警惕。 |
However, in the rich but dangerous trades into the Mediterranean and the West Indies, more costly ships were required.
而地中海与西印度群岛地区赚头大而凶险高的贸易则需要造价昂贵的轮船。 |
However, in the social context that the power of modernization is spreading into villages, traditional rice-fish system is facing threats due to the concept of modern agriculture.
在现代化的力量日益向农村渗透的社会语境下,传统的稻田养鱼体系受到现代农业观的冲击。 |
However, in the vast majority of cases I'd whole-heartedly agree that kata is impractical and ineffective!
它更多地是与现行办法在卡塔接洽,并实行. |