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These are used on pipes, fittings, valves, tanks and process equipment.

These are unique phenomena that the post-communist nascent democracies in Europe have not seen. 这两项特徵是欧洲后共新兴民主国家所未见的。
These are universal data structures. 这些都是常见的数据结构。
These are unused by the system so we don't need to change the default ones. 这些系统没有用,因此我们没有必要改变他们的缺省值。
These are unusual times at Arsenal. 现在阿森纳是非常时期。
These are used as interface with the “Input Methods” context menu in text entry areas. 这些函数也被用做文本输入区中“输入方法”上下文菜单的接口。
These are used on pipes, fittings, valves, tanks and process equipment. 该产品用于管道、吊架、阀门、罐体和工艺设备。
These are useful references for orthodontists not only to predict the vertical facial growth in children or adolescents with open bite but also to identify the cause of open bite in adults. 籍由了解这些开咬病患随成长产生的顾颜构造之型态变化,不仅有助于矫正医师预测成长中开咬孩童的颅颜生长模式,也可以确定成人开咬现象的成因。
These are useful to review in preparation for the quizzes and final exam. 它们对复习准备本学期的测验和期末考试很有帮助。
These are usually called African-derived crafts. 这一类别通常被称为“非洲来源的工艺品”。
These are usually inversely related, i.e., high intensity storms are likely to be of short duration and low intensity storms can have a long duration. 通常强度与降雨时间的长短成反比,换句话说,高强度的暴风雨很可能会持续较短的时间,而低强度的暴风雨会持续比较长的时间。
These are very dynamic people, but they manifest inflexibly in relating to the world. 这是一些很有力量的人,但他们在与这个世界的联系中表现地过于强硬而难于妥协。

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