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My clothes are pure productions of technology -- one hundred percent polyester.

My client has made some very convincing allegations? of police brutality? . 我的当事人对警察的暴力行为提出了一些令人信服的指控。
My clientele like quality products. 我的客户最喜欢高品质的产品。
My clock is out of order and waked me up at 3 this morning. 我的闹钟坏了,今天早晨3点就把我叫醒了。
My clock is out of order and waked me up at 3 this morning. 我的闹钟坏了, 今天早晨3点就把我叫醒了。
My clothes are out of style. 我的衣服过时了。
My clothes are pure productions of technology -- one hundred percent polyester. 我的衣服是纯粹的科技产品——百分之百的聚酯。
My clothes are worn out and I have to mend them. 我的衣服穿破了,我得补一下。
My clothes were made of coarse cloth. 我的衣服是用粗布制成的。
My clothes won't all go into that tiny suitcase. 那个小衣箱装不下我所有的衣物.
My club is interested in doing a service project in China. 本社有兴趣在中国办理服务计划。
My clumsy answer hurt her feelings. 我笨拙的回答伤了她的感情。

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