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Intronic RNAs would therefore be evolving independently and in parallel with proteins.

Introductions and invasions of alien species of plants and animals is a long-recognized problem, as detailed in an earlier issue of CONSEQUENCES. 外来品种的动植物传人,像早期的“CONSEQUENCES”期刊详细讨论过的那样,是一个长期公认的问题。
Introductions were give to general situation about green agriculture, producing technology and inspecting criterion of quality and safety of green farm produce. 介绍了国内外无公害农业发展概况、无公害农産品生産技术和无公害农産品质量安全检验标准。
Introductions: My father is a doctor. 介绍:我的爸爸的是个医生。
Introductory class on term sheet jargon and basic legal concepts. Lecture assumes no prior experience in venture finance. Time allocated to finalize team composition and complete sign up procedures. 投资条件清单术语和基本法律观念之导论。课程假设学生以前没有企业融资的经验。课堂时间用于完成分组与登记程序。
Introgression (introgressive hybridization) The introduction of genetic material from one gene pool to another by hybridization and subsequent back-crossing to one or other of the parents. 渐渗现象(渐渗杂交):是通过杂交或其后代与某个亲本回交,遗传物质从一个基因库被引入另一个基因库的现象。
Intronic RNAs would therefore be evolving independently and in parallel with proteins. 因此,插入子RNA能与蛋白质平行独立演化。
Introns were rationalized as ancient remnants of a time before cellular life evolved, when fragments of protein-coding information crudely assembled into the first genes. 插入子被解释为:在细胞生物尚未演化形成之前,含有蛋白质编码资讯的片段粗略地组合成第一个基因时所留下的古老遗物。
Introversion is no more my character , make friends with optimistic and happy . 内向不再是我的性格特点,跟乐观、快乐交朋友。
Introverted Borzois, and Borzois who love everyone. 内向的猎狼,它可以与任何人和睦相处。
Introverted people are less likely to respond to happy faces. 内向的人对开心的表情比较不容易产生反应。
Introverts are intuitive and analytical. Use that skill. What is working? What isn't? Where do you get the most bang for your buck? 内向的人有很好的直觉、善于分析。那就利用这点长处。你的关系里什么是有用的,什么不是?你最大的阻碍是什么?

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