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Although Broad leaf deciduous forests in temperate zonehas good aggregation ability and comparability, as well as short patch distance, its natural cohesion ability is poor.

Alternatively, “pure” clerical power can use its prerogatives (over sacraments like baptism or marriage or absolution) to exercise authority over everybody else, including worldly rulers. 另一方面,“纯洁”的神职人员势力可以利用其特权(如洗礼,婚姻,赦免等宗教仪式)来强化凌驾于所有人,包括世俗统治者之上的权威。
Alternatives for the New Charles River Dam: The Department of the Army New England Division Corps of Engineers, Charles River Dam, Design Memorandum No. 2,1972. 新查尔斯河堤坝的选择:军队新英格兰分支工程师公司部门,查尔斯河堤坝,设计备忘录第2号,1972.
Alternatives to the Italy international are Racing Santander centre-forward Nikola Zigic and Schalke's Kevin Kuranyi. 意大利国脚的替代者还有两个——桑坦德中锋日基奇和沙尔克的凯文·库兰伊。
Alth0ugh some inequities were eradicated, immense suffering resulted. 虽然一些不平等被铲除了,却也造成了巨大的痛苦。
Althoug it was heavy rain , she still went to the shop. 尽管下着大雨,她还是去了商店。
Although Broad leaf deciduous forests in temperate zonehas good aggregation ability and comparability, as well as short patch distance, its natural cohesion ability is poor. “裸地/城镇”的斑块间距最大,相似性程度低,聚合性弱,异质性最高。
Although Jing-Ping-Meigives a description of the dark, filthy and frightful society, it keeps some sparks in the works. 摘要《金瓶梅》虽然描写了一个黑暗龌龊的丑恶社会,但它还能在描写黑暗的同时给作品保持几星亮色。
Although reasonable pluralismoften characterizes the public culture of a democracy, the mainstream ideology in modern times is economism. 「合理多元主义」是民主公共文化的永久特徵,但是现代社会的思想主流却是经济主义。
Although (he was) cheerful in company, he was often sad in private. 虽然和友人在一起是愉快的,但他私下却常常很悲伤。
Although (oddly) the authors are keeping their narcissism ranking secret, they have revealed that Mr Ellison did not come top. 尽管(很奇怪),这项研究的作者们对自恋分级还在保密,但他们却已经泄露了埃里森先生并不是其中之最.
Although 25 eyes presented with acute angle closure glaucoma, 6 eyes were insidious onset and asymptomatic. 虽然大多数的病例(25只眼)以急性发作为临床表徵,但有6只眼为隐袭性,无任何临床症状。

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