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Either Tom or his brothers have to shovel the snow.

Either LLC or S-Corp will be fine. You must include Imports/Exports into your business scopes. 如果帮国内厂家代理销售,也想出口些东西到亚洲(不只是中国大陆),成立怎么样的公司好?
Either Party A or Party B (based on the requirements of the insurance organization, if both Parties shall purchase insurance, then Party A shall do so) shall purchase insurance in full amount from insurance agencies of China, based on the coverage, amount 甲方或乙方(视保险机构的要求而定,如果双方都可以投保,则由甲方投保)应依据双方认为适当的险别、保险金额和保险条款,对本项目的设备资产或本项目资产向中国的保险机构进行全额投保。
Either Party A or Party B has the right to make use of the confidential information to defend against any claims, lawsuits, judicial proceedings, and accusations towards the receiving party or its representatives in relation to the programs hereunder and (二)甲乙双方有权使用保密资料对任何针对接受方或其代表的与本协议项目及其事务相关的索赔、诉讼、司法程序及指控进行抗辩,或者对与本协议项目及其事务相关的传唤、传票或其他法律程序做出答复。
Either Party A or Party B has the right to make use of the confidential information to defend against any claims, lawsuits, judicial proceedings, and accusations towards the receiving party or its representatives in relation to the programs hereunder and (三)任何一方在书面通知对方并将披露的复印件抄送对方后,可根据需要在提交任何市、省、中央或其他对接受方有管辖权或声称对接受方有管辖权的监管团体的任何报告、声明或证明中披露保密资料。
Either Pirouette or Fly and stop in the Nose-in condition, the preferred method is to Pirouette to nose-in. 可以采取旋转或转弯的方式,将机头朝向操控者,建议采用旋转的方式比较好。
Either Tom or his brothers have to shovel the snow. 是汤姆就是他的兄弟得去铲雪。
Either William Gallas (hamstring) or Johan Djourou (foot) will play at Charlton on Saturday despite picking up injuries against Porto in midweek. 加拉和德尤鲁都将可以参加对查尔顿的比赛,尽管他们在周中与波尔图的比赛中受伤。
Either a bullock or a lamb that hath any thing superfluous or lacking in his parts, that mayest thou offer for a freewill offering; but for a vow it shall not be accepted. 23无论是公牛是绵羊羔,若肢体有馀的,或是缺少的,只可作甘心祭献上,用以还愿,却不蒙悦纳。
Either a huge volcanic eruption or a large meteorite colliding with Earth could have created a large dust cloud throughout Earth's atmosphere that would have been capable of blocking enough sunlight to lower global temperatures significantly. 要么是巨大的火山喷发,要么是撞击地球的大型小行星导致地球大气形成一大片尘埃云层,这阻止了一定的阳光导致全球温度显著下降。
Either a huge volcanic eruption or a large meteorite colliding with Earth could have created a large dust cloud throughout Earth's atmosphere that would have been capable of blocking enough sunlight to lower global temperatures significantly. 要么是巨大的火山喷发,要么是撞击地球的大型小行星导致地球大气形成一大片尘埃云层,这阻止了一定的阳光导致全球温度显著下降。
Either alternative is correct. (两种选择中)不论哪一个选择都是正确的。

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