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As a young company, LANXESS encourages creativity, credibility, simplification and quick response in both global and local organization.

As a writer she was on a par with the great novelists. 她是与伟大小说家齐名的作家。
As a writer who is with distinctive female standpoint, Zhaomei tries to break through this double screen in her historical novel Waner Shangguan, in order to raise female's living condition and biological course. 作为一个坚持鲜明女性立场的作家,赵玫试图在她的历史小说《上官婉儿》中冲破这双重屏蔽,以凸现女性个体在历史中的生存状态和生命历程。
As a writer,he was a failure. 作为一名作家,他是失败的。
As a young auto enterprise, Nanjing FIAT not only has the good traditions from Italian FIAT and NAC, but also uses high efficient, quick and scientific information system to realize management and coordination for cash-flow in the new competitive environm 作为一家年轻富有活力的汽车企业,南京菲亚特汽车有限公司不仅继承了意大利菲亚特和南汽两大集团的优良传统,而且在新世纪新竞争环境的新市场紧随时代发展的脚步,利用高效、迅捷、科学的信息系统实现物资流、信息流、资金流的一体化管理和协调运作。
As a young boy, I grew up in a tin-roofed shack in Summerfield, Louisiana. 童年时代的我住在位于路易斯安那州墨菲尔德的一间简陋的铁皮屋顶的房子里。
As a young company, LANXESS encourages creativity, credibility, simplification and quick response in both global and local organization. 作为一个年轻的跨国公司,朗盛自德国总部到世界各地的分支机构都大力提倡责任心、创造力、简单化和高效率。
As a young girl,I'm a bit shy around people.That is my weakness. But I'm patient both with people and my work. 作为年轻女孩,我在众人面前有点害羞,这是我的不足。但是我对人和对工作都有耐心。
As a young man he didn't know he was to win world fame later on. 年轻时,他不知道自己日后会举世成名。
As a young man in politics, I was trying to figure out how to reconcile my natural desire to have people be civilized and be on good terms with one another and really respect each other and the need to stake out your ground and be in opposition to people 作为一名初涉政坛的年轻人,我曾试图想出如何调和矛盾——调和我那种想使人们变得有教养、和睦相处、彼此尊重的本能愿望同保持自己的想法并反对那些观点跟自己相左之人的需要之间的矛盾。
As a young player, I had a very good sense of where I should run on the field. 从小开始,我形成了很好的场上意识,知道应该怎样跑位。
As a young teacher, he has shown great zeal for using the Internet in his teaching. 作为一名年轻的教师,他对网络教学表现出极大的热情。

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