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An entertainer who does impressions.

An enterprise producing tobacco products may, in light of the marketing conditions, make appropriate adjustments to the cigarette output targets with grading and classification specifications, within the scope of the total annual production plans of the e 烟草制品生产企业可以根据市场销售情况,在该企业的年度总产量计划的范围内,对分等级、分种类的卷烟产量指标适当调整。
An enterprise whose preparatory period has been approved may retain its registered name until the end of the preparatory period. 经批准有筹建期的,企业名称保留到筹建期终止。
An enterprise wide bioinformatics solution includes an internal database system, feeds and links to external (public, collaborative) databases, a middle tier of software that defines the biological objects of interest to the researcher, an algorithm tier 一个企业范围的生物信息学方法包括一个内部数据库系统,与外界数据库的输入与连接,中间层面软件向研究者描述感兴趣的生物研究对象,演绎层面提供分析和研究工具,用户层面使用者可以以各种方式接近、整合、操作和看到数据。
An enterprising preacher has found a better way of raising money for his church than passing around an old collection box. 一位有企业头脑的牧师,发现一个比四处传递老旧募捐箱,更好的教会募款方法。
An enterprising young RMIT University graduate is making his mark trading in one of the world's most expensive spices – vanilla. 一位富有创业精神的年轻的RMIT大学毕业生正在创记录的进行他的香草交易,香草是世界上最昂贵的香料之一.
An entertainer who does impressions. 进行印象主义表演的演员
An enticing combination of colonial legacy, cultural diversity and progressive modernity. 一个由殖民地遗产、文化多样性和渐进的现代性三种因素组成的诱人的结合体。
An entire frame of reference includes four components: theoretical base, function-dysfunction continua, behaviors indicative of function and dysfunction, and postulates regarding change. 参考架构之建立必须具备:陈述「理论基础」,确认「功能良窳的连续」,列示「功能良好与失常的行为指标」和「有关改变的基本假设」等四部份。
An entire new industry producing synthetic rubber emerged, to make up for the loss of access to natural rubber in the Pacific. 出现了生产合成橡胶的一个全新行业,弥补了失去的太平洋地区的天然橡胶供应。
An entirely new palette of nine exterior colours has been developed for the Phantom Drophead Coupé: Metropolitan Blue, Admiral Blue, Jubilee Silver, Diamond Black, Duck Egg Blue, Semaphore Yellow, English White, Woodland Green and Ensign Red. 幻影软顶敞篷车现在具有九种全新的车身颜色:都市蓝、旗舰蓝、明珠银、钻石黑、鸭蛋蓝、信号灯黄、英吉利白、森林绿和舰旗红。
An entity is a value, object, subobject, base class subobject, array element, variable, function, instance of a function, enumerator, type, class member, template, or namespace. 实体是一个值,对象,子对象,基类子对象,数组元素,变量,函数,函数的实例,枚举符,类型,类成员,模板,或名字空间。

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