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It doesn't make sense, you see?

It doesn't make any common sense at all to apply a pigmented or colored wax on top of a paint that is as clear as the windshield you look through. 填加色素,这不是常识或有颜色的顶部与你所看到的挡风玻璃的颜色一样。
It doesn't make any difference. (那没有关系。无所谓。)
It doesn't make any sense to translate the sentence word for word. 这个句子如果逐字翻译就没有意义了。
It doesn't make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的不可.
It doesn't make sense to wear a ski jacket on a hot summer day. 在一个炎热的夏天里穿滑雪外套是不合理的。
It doesn't make sense, you see? 它不再有意义,你明白吗?
It doesn't matter . 没关系。
It doesn't matter about the price. 价格没关系。
It doesn't matter at all. 这根本没什么关系。
It doesn't matter for hu-mour and calmness is another state of mind. 不要紧,幽默和宁静,也是另一种心境。
It doesn't matter how big the game is, nothing fazes him. 无所谓比赛有多么重大,没有什么能影响到他。”

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