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3 The soil is a clean gravel or clean sand if the percentage of fines is estimated to be 5%or less.

3 The police have advised all motorists that rubber-necking is dangerous and also causes more traffic-jams. 警察已经忠告所有驾车者了,驾车围观是危险的,同时也会引起更多的交通堵塞。
3 The precision of a pressing is maintained by the CAM type upon a pressing job and the unit is controlled by manipulating the touch panel . 在施压工作中,维持精确压力依靠CAM(计算机辅助制造),设备利用触摸屏控制。
3 The rent is payable by bank transfer to Party A's bank account which is designated in Attachment 3. 租金以人民币支付,付至甲方银行账户或用现金支付(见附件三).
3 The rods will be bright and clean. It shall be free blisters, silver, scale, cracks and other defects. 铜棒应是抛光无暇的。不应该有诸如:水泡,镀银,刻度,裂缝或其他瑕疵。
3 The shop has resumed business after two months of renovation. 商店经过两个月的装修之后,已经恢复营业.
3 The soil is a clean gravel or clean sand if the percentage of fines is estimated to be 5%or less. 2如果砾石的百分含量比砂的百分含量估计的少,这个土就是砂.
3 The soil of the Illinois prairies is fat, rich and thick. 伊利诺伊大草原上,土壤肥沃、丰产而深厚。
3 The states of the region are thus not well positioned to influence events much beyond their own borders under any circumstances, good or ill -- and the cruel consequence is that the world pays them little attention. 我的翻译:在任何环境下,不管是好的还是坏的,他们都不知道怎么去很好地控制发生在他们国境上的事件,而这么做的残酷的后果就是世界不怎么关注这一地区。
3 The surplus Barite, Bentonite have to be transferred to the supply boat. 把多余的重晶石、般土粉运到拖轮上。
3 The types, volume, and proportions of petrochemical materials to be produced. 三生产石化原料种类、数量及比例。
3 The use of the term “terminal” must also take into account the effectiveness of current medical therapeutics. 使用“临终状态”这个术语时,还需考虑现有医疗手段是否有效。

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