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Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists or today.

Ren Nanqi, Wang Baozhen, Ma Fang. Hydrogen bio-production of carbohydrate fermentation by anaerobic activated sludge process[J]. Proc Water Environ Fed.Annu.Conf.Expo,68th.1995(1), 145-153. 任南琪,王宝贞.有机废水发酵法生物制氢技术--原理与方法[M].哈尔滨:黑龙江科学技术出版社,199440-44.
Ren Shouyan, superfine teacher: She cultivates students' ability to put knowledge into practice and use the language freely. 实施爱心教育,关爱每一个学生。运用读、说、听、写、练的教学方法,重在培养学生学以致用、驾驭语言的能力。
Ren shen can generates fluids and reduce thirst, for xinqixu (heart qi deficient) palpitations with instant sweating and anxiety, insomnia, dizziness/headache, forgetfulness, impotence, diabetes, bleeding in the vagina not during period, seizures in child 用于心气虚之阵跳,倦怠,反胃吐食,大便滑泄、虚咳喘促,自汗暴脱、惊悸、健忘、眩晕头痛、阳痿尿频、消渴、妇女崩漏,小儿慢惊,及久虚不复,不安,一切气虚血虚津液不足之证。
Renae Baker, a scientist with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, snapped this picture of a rare nacreous cloud on July 25 at the country's Antarctic Mawson station. 雷纳·贝克是澳洲气象署的一位科学家。他在7.25日拍下了这张罕见的珍珠光泽的片。
Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists of today. 现在的艺术家仍然对文艺复兴时期的艺术珍爱有加。
Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists or today. 现在的艺术家仍然对文艺复新时期的艺术珍爱有加。
Renaissance fatcats may have started the tradition, but the true flowering of table utensils came a few centuries later, during America■s Gilded Age. 创立这一习俗可能是文艺复兴时期的大亨们,但餐具的真正兴盛却是在几个世纪后美国的镀金时代。
Renaissance playwright who has been ruined by English teachers and academics who insist on over-analyzing his plays and sonnets. 文艺复兴时期的剧作家,已经被那些坚持对其剧作和诗歌进行过度分析的英语老师和学者彻底毁了。
Renaissance poets saw her as a heroine dying for love. 文艺复兴时期的诗人将她视成为爱情献身的女英雄。
Renal biopsies were taken at enrollment and again 2 years later in the six patients on perindopril and the six on placebo. 6位病人接受培多普利治疗,其余6位服用安慰剂,分别在治疗前和治疗后对这12位病人进行肾活检标本的采样。
Renal capsular lipoma and internal lipoma are rare. 肾包膜脂瘤及肾脂肪瘤均为少见病例。

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