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In cases of nm ·H + , revealed hepato splenomegaly,and enlarged liver,spleen and lymph nodes.
CD-/nm ·H+例中例肝脾肿大,例肝、脾、淋巴结肿大;

In . mol/L HCl medium,arsonic contacts with ammonium molybdate to form arsenomolybdate blue complex. 在 .mol/L的盐酸介质中 ,砷与钼酸铵生成砷钼蓝络合物。
In 0 adult male lumbar spine specimens,on the left L/ and L/,microendoscopic laminotomy,medial facetectomy removal were finished using Kerrison rongeur. 采用0具成年男性腰椎防腐标本,在L/ 、L/左侧使用直头枪钳行椎板部分切除术、小关节部分切除术,L/ 右侧使用通用枪钳行相同术式;
In 0 days, termite worker avoid papers tested with 0, 0, 00, 00 and 00ppm azadirachtin. 在0天内家白蚁工蚁忌避印楝素0、 0、00、 00和00ppm处理的滤纸。
In 0 positives, 0.8%( /0)were infected with Demodex brevis,8.7%(7/0)with Demodex folliculorum,and 0.9%(/0) with both. 皮脂蠕形螨感染占 0.8%( /0),毛囊蠕形螨感染占8.7%(7/0),混合感染为0.9%(/0)。
In eyelids with defects, was totally defect, 8 was / defect, was / defect. 眼睑完全缺损只睑, / 缺损8只睑, / 缺损只睑。
In cases of nm ·H + , revealed hepato splenomegaly,and enlarged liver,spleen and lymph nodes. CD-/nm ·H+例中例肝脾肿大,例肝、脾、淋巴结肿大;
In 7 CDH patients′ ( hips),angulus acetabulum was 9.±. degrees,h value was (0. 8± 0. )cm, f value (0.±0.)cm,h<f; 7例 个髋关节诊断为CDH之髋臼角 9. °± . ° ,h值 ( 0 . 8± 0 . )cm ,f值( 0 .± 0 . )cm ,h <f。
In 8 cases of healthy volunteers with nasal bone CT films,two cases of sutural bone in nasal-frons bone suture and one case of "olecranon" variation in apex of nasal bone were found,incidence was 7%( /8). 在8例健康志愿者的鼻骨CT检查中,发现例鼻额缝缝间骨和例鼻骨尖的“鹰嘴样”变异,其发生率为7%( /8)。 而CT均清晰显示骨折存在;
In 897, the Salomon v Salomon Co. Ltd. case established the legal status of One-Man Company in the United Kingdom. 从897年英国萨洛姆诉萨洛姆公司案确立一人公司独立法律人格开始,世界上很多国家纷纷通过判例或立法肯定了一人公司的法律地位,我国在00年新修改的公司法中也首次承认了一人有限责任公司。
In 9, Kelling used the transverse colon and Vulliet used the left colon in a subcutaneous route in continuity with a tube of skin to perform esophageal replacement. 在9 年Kelling 和Vulliet 分别尝试应用横结肠和左侧结肠经皮下和一个皮管替代食管。
In 9, Allport put forward the concept and the theory of the personality trait. 9年Allport提出人格特质的概念和理论。

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